The circus clowns of Waigani have come out again to display their insanity making all Papua New Guineans look to look like a stupid fool. A junior officer at the Sate Solicitor Officer who recently graduated from UPNG in 2009 with a Law Degree has been appointed the Acting Managing Director of Climate Change & Development Authority. The appointee Mr. Ruel Yamuna is the biological son of Ron Yamuna the current District Administrator of Ialibu Pangia Electorate of which Prime Minister Peter O’Niel is the local member. The Yamnuna family are a distant relative of Prime Minister O’Niel. The other Uncle Oscar Yamuna is the Deputy Chief of Staff of Prime Minister.
This is gross abuse of Public Office and bluntly conflict of interest in which the said person has been appointed when he does not have the necessary credentials nor does he posses the right experience to hold such office. He was never a Principal Legal Officer, line Manager, neither a First Assistant Secretary nor a Deputy Secretary to qualify him for such elevation to head a statutory public office. Minister Pundari has been cornered into doing a favor to O’Niel and his tribesmen for preferably a higher ministry in the recent reshuffle but has purportedly backfired.
I hope the ombudsmen commission is called in to this to investigate as how this has transpired especially for Prime Minister O’Neil to veto the NEC decision to appoint a distant relative and son of his District Administrator to head a statutory authority.