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PNGScape: Famous in PNG Internet History
The most spectacular and oppressive censorship of free speech in PNG History occurred sometime after 22 August 2016.
Over 15 years worth of thousands of postings on many PNG issues disappeared forever with the secret dismantling of the discussion site.
Any long time internet junkie from PNG knows PNGScape. It has been around since 2002 and proven most popular discussion forum of its time.
Prominent PNG businessman and citizen Mr Anthony Smare is often stated to be man behind the scenes to set up this unique resource that proved so popular.
PNGScape had over 20 different forums on network54 ranging from a Komiuniti Board to politics board and over to women's issues, jokes, religion and such.
Several regional forums were especially popular, including Highlands Forum. These forums went wild with discussion during election time with much heated debate in 2007 and again in 2012.
All these postings built up a massive archive useful to anyone wanting to look back and read information about PNG politics and issues. The PNGScape holdings were a treasure of information about corruption in PNG of great historical value.
PNGScape was a priceless resource for all Papua New Guineans.
It was very active in its day before Facebook came along. With the new social media PNGScape faded away but not forgotten.
The site remained for all to read its content. You could still post on it about any topic that interest you if so desired.
Many of us came back to visit the place now and then for old time sake.
PNGScape Standing The Test Of Time
During its period of activity some Scapers complained PNGScape censored too much.
Administrators were known to include Anna Gerard from Tasmania and Brian Tobias from UPNG. Removal of postings let to many tok pait on PNGScape but still administrators removed what they thought was personal attacks or out of bounds comment. You could see the evidence here and there.
When the names of the administrators became known they were put under pressure not to let any posting that might be considered defamatory according to international standards escape their delete button.
Some thousands of postings that remained on PNGScape stood the test of time. Some sitting there for 15 years. Papua New Guineans both high and low status let PNGScape stand with minimal interference over these many years.
Behind The Scenes Murder of PNGScape
Now all that is gone.
PNGScape was murdered sometime this past month at Age 15. Indications are that the purpose was to quitly remove all possible sensitive stories away from the eyes of the people of PNG.
PNGScape disappeared in such a way that there can be no doubt it has the fingerprints of current PNG government behind it.
People were beginning to suspect that our Prime Minister was a dictator in disguise.
Only a dictatorship would have carried out what happened to PNGScape using the CyberSecurity Act to threaten overseas servers.
PNGScape Dismantling and Posting Removal Process
Here are the facts:
- PNGScape did not disappear because the owners stopped paying for the domain Still you can access which shows that the domain is still active and paid for. However all original forums connected to PNGScape have disappeared.
- PNGScape could only have been axed by complaint to Network54 hosting service from high level PNG authority who wanted all historical records and comments about PNG politicians, including corruption stories, removed from the public eye. Now that this has happened no Papua New Guinean can ever again come across and read any of these postings.
Literally thousands of postings that were accessible only a month ago from the PNGScape forums hosted by Network54 have been removed and PNGScape essentially dismantled. Here are a very few of the many political free speech postings that are gone forever.
- Nearly all PNGScape forums now blocked or removed from Network54 host server. for example Google pngscape network54 politics board. Try clicking into any of those postings from the old PNGScape Politics Board. You will get an error message indicating that the postings are no longer available.
Click into any one of the postings on Peter O’Neill that you see listed under PNGScape or its network54 hosting site, and this is all you will see. The former politics board is network54 Forum #159830.
Here is the page you now see if you click into any posting that used to be on the PNGScape Highlands forum, which is network54 Forum #678346.
The PNGScape Highlands Forum used to contain hundreds of postings, particularly related to the 2007 and 2012 elections. All have been axed.
- If you type in certain politicians names in the network54 search engine you will now find nothing listed even for politicians discussed often on PNGScape.
Use the Network54 inhouse search engine and type in Peter O’Neill and you’ll find that the hundreds of PNGScape postings mentioning his name have all disappeared, despite indications from the Google search that they used to exist. Mostly only other individuals by the name of O’Neil are listed.
Yet if you type the right key words into Google search engine indicates postings on PNGScape (hosted by network54 server) regarding Peter O’Neill you will find many PNGScape postings listed. However is you now click any of these links, you’ll find that the posting is gone.
- Removal of PNGScape forums covered up forever large collections of postings that had likelihood of containing certain individual postings that indicate guilt of high level officials and politicians in corruption scandals of the past. Peter O'Neill and his government would have enjoyed all these postings removed to keep people of PNG from ever learning this information.
A removed set of postings showing a typical political discussion from the PNGScape site. The entire PNGScape Politics Board has been removed.
A posting critical of a Julius Chan policy, now gone from PNGScape but still present on Google cache.
A removed PNGScape posting on Peter O’Neill, still found in Google’s cache
A removed PNGScape posting on Ben Micah, still found in Google’s cache
Evidence of Sneakiness and Errors In Carrying Out the Destruction of PNGScape
There is evidence to support that this was a purposeful and sneaky PNG government effort to eliminate any forums that they felt could possibly contain postings reporting on corruption or other embarrassing stories about PNG politicians:
- Behind the scenes some PNGScape forums were left untouched. Although all PNGScape forum links have been removed from the PNGScape home page, not all wereeliminated. They can still be accessed through Google if you know the forums name which only long time Scapers would know. For example Google pngscape network54 sports board. You should see listed a bunch of posting titles under name "PNG Sports Forum - Network54" Click into that main site for Sports Forum and it will appear on your screen. Click into any individual posting and view. All possible even though Sports Forum itself has now been erased from the main page. The PNG women’s forum, Feedback Forum, Melbourne PNG Board, Faith Forum and DMTV forum are amongst few forums that PNG government left standing behind the scenes and unlikely to contain potentially damaging postings.
Typing into Google Search engine the right key words for an old PNGScape forum reveals that its content still remains on the Google servers. Here are postings from the old PNGScape Sports Forum.
Clicking into the links on Google still take you to the Sports Forum Main Discussion Page. Clicking into individual posting links still take you to the postings. All this exists behind the scenes because the link to Sports Forum and all other PNGScape forums were deleted from the home page.
Faith Forum on PNGScape was left standing behind the scenes, although the home page no longer shows it or any of the other more than 20 forums that used to make up the popular internet discussion site.
Faith Forum on PNGScape was also left standing behind the scenes and its postings can still be retrieved using popular search engines.
- The PNG government was sloppy in their demands for removal. The PNGScape Jokes Forum was removed. However there was another Jokes board associated with PNGScape but not part of the main site that is called Pacific Joker. Jokes about Paias Wingti remain on the Pacific Joker forum which escaped the censors.
The Pacific Joker site slipped by the PNG government censorship because it is not part of the PNGScape family of forums.
Postings on PNGScape about Ben Micah, still listed on Google when the key words are typed in, have all disappeared from the inhouse Network54 search engine, except for a posting on the PNG Women’s page of PNGScape which escaped being purged with most PNGScape forums.
- The evidence is there to prove that thousands of postings were removed quietly sometime since 22 August when no one seemed to be looking. Removed postings remain on the Google servers. You can access using Google cache. Screen shots of some of these cached postings are shown so you can see why a dictatorship would be happy to see them disappear. For 15 years past PNG governments let them be because they were not dictatorships like the one we have now.
Secret Behind Prime Minister Peter O’Neill Popularity Amongst Politicians
In PNG we experience that most national politicians in PNG seem dishonest and corrupt.
These MPs are helped whenever critical postings about them found on the internet are removed.
Destroying entire internet sites such as PNGScape, PNG Blogs, PNG Exposed, PNG Outlook, ACTNOWPNG, and some others can open the door to misbehavior without it ever being made public.
PNG newspapers Post Courier and National are already intimidated or willing stooges of the Prime Minister and will not print the kinds of corruption stories that today appear on the social media.
All that remains is to stop corruption stories concerning PNG politicians from appearing or remaining on the internet.
If the Hon Prime Minister is seen as an action man in removing any material from the internet that exposes corruptions of PNG MPs, corrupt MPs will be strongly attracted to join the side of Mr Peter O’Neill.
The Prime Minister now has his CyberSecurity Act to use to intimidate those who know stories of corruption and put them on the internet. He can remove any corruption stories that are present, even if they have been sitting there for more than 10 years as was true for PNGScape.
With this solidarity and support from corrupt MPs it will be impossible to remove Peter O’Neill from office.
Even many MPs in the opposition will support of Peter O’Neill’s actions to remove and stop corruption stories.
A mafia is developing around the dictatorship.
Unprecedented Political Free Speech Censorship By a PNG Government
PNGScape was an icon in PNG internet history. It was murdered sometime in the last month.
The most likely murderer is the Peter O’Neill government using the Papua New Guinea 2016 CyberSecurity Act as its weapon.
Prime Minister Hon Peter O'Neill is using this law not so much interested in pursuing crimes on the internet listed on in the law but to remove embarassing stories about the high level corruption that he allows and is part and parcel of.
The shutdown of PNGScape is almost unbelievable and not ever happening in a democracy. Unprecedented in history of PNG. No government during the history of PNGScape ever felt so threatened by its content to have it shut down.
During his nearly 10 years as Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare was often called a dictator and corruption stories were published about him. However, Sir Michael never attempted to suppress political free speech and PNGScape remained healthy, continuing to host critical comments and expose postings about corruption in his government during his time as PM.
We are now being given the message by our government that in the future we must behave ourselves before posting anything that might embarrass or anger any VIP in PNG. Don't complain loudly about these politicians or write any true corruption stories about them and their friends and the dictator of PNG will leave you alone.
We now live in a dictatorship.