THE use of social media is instigating social unrest and political stand-offs in the country and needs to be regulated, a parliamentarian says.
Southern Highlands Governor William Powi said people with malicious intent had been posting discriminatory and defamatory messages and circulating them using social media.
Powi said that was becoming a concern and something should be done to regulate the use of social media in the country.
Several leaders in the country had raised concern on the abuse of social media in the country and called on regulatory measures to be enforced.
Powi made the comment after rumours of dubious payments being made to several people by his government were circulated around the country through messages using social media.
He said he was unaware of and had not instructed anyone to make such payments.
He warned people to be responsible and not to use social media to tarnish his reputation.
“I’m not aware of any dubious payment from finance.
“This is a malicious attack on me orchestrated by political opponents with bad motives to tarnish my leadership reputation,” Powi said.
“I’m not a village chief who goes around dishing out cash to people.
“I’m a young leader who has made my way up and people should not go around destroying my reputation.
“It is a criminal offence and I will institute an inquiry into the allegations and defamatory messages as I know that political opponents were using social media to instigate social unrest and political standoffs among the people.”