1. Arranging State Guarantee for a 180MW Hydro project by SinoHydro for which there is no market
2. His mistress is Dora Lu. Meeting place is Airways and Stanley Hotel. She is currently at Stanley Hotel. He has a spare key and she brings up viagra for him from Australia.
3. Fast tracks payments to Covec (client of Dora Lu) who are currently owed K250m in exchange for sex and kickbacks. Latest gift is a $3000 Mont Blanc pen with his name engraved on it
Note the responses by her are real. The sting operation impersonated Treasury Secretary to expose Dora Lu's role
10/12/16, 14:32 - Messages you send to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info.
10/12/16, 14:32 - Dairi Vele: D, have a great weekend. Sydney was a whirlwind. See you very soon
10/12/16, 14:34 - Dora: This is your other number?
10/12/16, 14:34 - Dairi Vele: Personal safety
10/12/16, 14:34 - Dora: I see.
10/12/16, 14:34 - Dora: see you soon
10/12/16, 14:35 - Dairi Vele: Yes please
10/12/16, 14:35 - Dora: I am packing now
10/12/16, 14:35 - Dora: Flight tomorrow morning
10/12/16, 14:36 - Dairi Vele: Pack everything. Great! Sooner than i thought
10/12/16, 14:37 - Dora: blue. I know.
10/12/16, 14:37 - Dairi Vele: mmm
10/12/16, 14:38 - Dairi Vele: And i have an early xmas present for you
10/12/16, 14:39 - Dora: Thanks D
10/12/16, 14:40 - Dairi Vele: Hopefully I can hand over before the week gets too busy for me
10/12/16, 14:41 - Dora: It's ok. Put work first.
10/12/16, 14:42 - Dairi Vele: When you are free then
10/12/16, 14:43 - Dora: Actually I don't have too many agenda for this trip
10/12/16, 14:43 - Dairi Vele: Well let's catch up!
10/12/16, 14:43 - Dairi Vele: Where shall you be staying?
10/12/16, 14:43 - Dora: Stanley hotel
10/12/16, 14:44 - Dairi Vele: I like it. Very close .
10/12/16, 14:44 - Dora: I can give you the room key, so you can come any time.
10/12/16, 14:45 - Dairi Vele: Yes please
10/12/16, 14:45 - Dairi Vele: i am aching
10/12/16, 14:47 - Dora: 🍌👄
10/12/16, 14:47 - Dora: Naughty
10/12/16, 14:47 - Dairi Vele: You will be blessed
10/12/16, 14:48 - Dairi Vele: With a nice xmas present
10/12/16, 14:48 - Dora: like how?
10/12/16, 14:49 - Dairi Vele: Strictly business
10/12/16, 14:51 - Dora: 😊will wait for the feast
10/12/16, 14:51 - Dairi Vele: You will beg for mercy
10/12/16, 14:52 - Dairi Vele: Can you show me what i should expect ?
10/12/16, 14:52 - Dora: let me start from the ping pongs
10/12/16, 14:52 - Dairi Vele: and then?
10/12/16, 14:53 - Dora: are they fully loaded?
10/12/16, 14:53 - Dairi Vele: Bring a tape measure
10/12/16, 14:53 - Dairi Vele: Bursting
10/12/16, 14:54 - Dora: How is the weapon , is it up and pointing?
10/12/16, 14:54 - Dairi Vele: For you, up and pointing
10/12/16, 14:55 - Dairi Vele: How do you want it?
10/12/16, 14:56 - Dora: This weapon shall erupt like a volcano
10/12/16, 14:56 - Dairi Vele: As usual
10/12/16, 14:56 - Dora: I want to taste the heat of it
10/12/16, 14:57 - Dairi Vele: first or after it has been inside you ?
10/12/16, 14:57 - Dora: Both
10/12/16, 14:58 - Dairi Vele: Magnificent
10/12/16, 14:59 - Dairi Vele: It is truly a weapon made for you
10/12/16, 14:59 - Dora: Let me feel it when it gets deep it
10/12/16, 15:00 - Dairi Vele: deep it?
10/12/16, 15:00 - Dora: Gets deep in a warm tunnel
10/12/16, 15:00 - Dairi Vele: Yes?
10/12/16, 15:00 - Dora: Let the heat burn me
10/12/16, 15:00 - Dairi Vele: Searing hot
10/12/16, 15:01 - Dora: you are granted a prospective licence , licence to drill
10/12/16, 15:01 - Dora: 😂
10/12/16, 15:02 - Dairi Vele: Thank you Minister!
10/12/16, 15:03 - Dairi Vele: I know i will find much oil. very wet hole
10/12/16, 15:03 - Dora: There is only one licence , grant to you now, no surrender.
10/12/16, 15:04 - Dairi Vele: You are mine
10/12/16, 15:04 - Dairi Vele: forever
10/12/16, 15:04 - Dora: Yes, I am yours
10/12/16, 15:04 - Dairi Vele: 😊
10/12/16, 15:05 - Dora: let's see what work program you can come up with
10/12/16, 15:05 - Dairi Vele: The perfect power couple
10/12/16, 15:05 - Dairi Vele: I can bring a second rig to drill the prospect
10/12/16, 15:06 - Dairi Vele: 2 wells on the same well pad
10/12/16, 15:06 - Dairi Vele: shoot seismic
10/12/16, 15:07 - Dairi Vele: accelerated work program
10/12/16, 15:07 - Dora: Wow, the operator is very dedicated
10/12/16, 15:07 - Dairi Vele: you can put tape measure to work
10/12/16, 15:08 - Dairi Vele: totally dedicated
10/12/16, 15:08 - Dairi Vele: see which drill rig is bigger
10/12/16, 15:09 - Dairi Vele: to penetrate tbe target
10/12/16, 15:10 - Dora: It's a conventional licence for now.
10/12/16, 15:10 - Dairi Vele: hahaha ok that is a strict regulator
10/12/16, 15:11 - Dora: ☺
10/12/16, 15:11 - Dairi Vele: IMG-20161210-WA0000.jpg (file attached)
10/12/16, 15:12 - Dora: what's your fantasy?
10/12/16, 15:12 - Dairi Vele: you and my girlfriend
10/12/16, 15:13 - Dora: How is your girl friend , describe her
10/12/16, 15:13 - Dairi Vele: just like you, slightly slimmer
10/12/16, 15:13 - Dora: that's nice
10/12/16, 15:14 - Dairi Vele: My fantasy would be to bring her in. .
10/12/16, 15:14 - Dairi Vele: Greg sometimes likes to watch
10/12/16, 15:14 - Dairi Vele: as my wingman
10/12/16, 15:15 - Dairi Vele: 😊
10/12/16, 15:15 - Dora: put eye mask on you , so you can only tell the difference by feeling
10/12/16, 15:15 - Dairi Vele: bring one if you have
10/12/16, 15:17 - Dairi Vele: you will be screaming
10/12/16, 15:18 - Dora: Just thinking if I bring WD, will he agree to take the Ramu2 project in NEC?
10/12/16, 15:18 - Dora: Hahaha
10/12/16, 15:18 - Dairi Vele: bring him! lets party!
10/12/16, 15:19 - Dairi Vele: it will go to a special NEC the nezt day! hahaa
10/12/16, 15:19 - Dora: we wouldn't be able to find him, he is too short( I mean height)
His eyes always fall on my breast, creepy
10/12/16, 15:20 - Dairi Vele: haha short man big package?
10/12/16, 15:20 - Dairi Vele: creepy boy
10/12/16, 15:20 - Dora: Could be.
10/12/16, 15:21 - Dora: Need to find out. Maybe ask any woman in his village , they can all tell
10/12/16, 15:21 - Dairi Vele: haha
10/12/16, 15:21 - Dairi Vele: Maybe
10/12/16, 15:22 - Dairi Vele: What's your fantasy?
10/12/16, 15:24 - Dora: I don't have sex fantasy yet. But sometime will wake up from the nightmare, the nightmare was so real, I dreamed someone got on top of me, the whole body weight was on me, I could barely breathe.
10/12/16, 15:24 - Dairi Vele: doesn't sound good
10/12/16, 15:25 - Dairi Vele: ok i shall be your sex fantasy made real
10/12/16, 15:25 - Dora: The similar nightmare happened several times. Every time I woke, it was nothing , just myself. But it feels so real, as if it happened.
10/12/16, 15:25 - Dairi Vele: That is not good
10/12/16, 15:27 - Dora: What can I expect ? Mmmmmm, maybe sex in the car. Haven't tried that
10/12/16, 15:28 - Dairi Vele: It sounds like you need a real man sleeping nexr to you to help with nightmares
My car is perfect.
10/12/16, 15:29 - Dairi Vele: We will squirt all over the car
10/12/16, 15:29 - Dora: Sure, we shall have a bumpy ride
10/12/16, 15:30 - Dairi Vele: hahah very bumpy
10/12/16, 15:30 - Dora: I don't have a driver's licence
10/12/16, 15:30 - Dora: Could be a very dangerous ride
10/12/16, 15:31 - Dairi Vele: You don't need one!
I'll stay a few nights to help with nightmares
10/12/16, 15:31 - Dairi Vele: Driving in pom is always very dangerous
10/12/16, 15:31 - Dora: Great...
10/12/16, 15:32 - Dora: as long as I can control the hand brake
10/12/16, 15:32 - Dora: I am sure I can manage the hand brake...
10/12/16, 15:32 - Dairi Vele: You don't have a boyfriend that might disturb us?
My hand brake is big enough to stop any car
10/12/16, 15:33 - Dairi Vele: I hear Chinese boyfriends can be rough
10/12/16, 15:35 - Dora: I have given a lot of thoughts regarding the relationship issues. it's too hard for me to maintain a normal relationship , given the busy agenda and nature of my business. So I gave up in relationship, and try to be as less sociable as possible.
10/12/16, 15:35 - Dairi Vele: So we can fuck undisturbed
10/12/16, 15:36 - Dairi Vele: I want that
10/12/16, 15:37 - Dairi Vele: We have something in common then
10/12/16, 15:37 - Dora: Thanks for understanding, D.
10/12/16, 15:37 - Dairi Vele: D, i am the same
10/12/16, 15:38 - Dairi Vele: So we are fuckbuddies no strings attached
10/12/16, 15:38 - Dairi Vele: haha
10/12/16, 15:38 - Dora: it's not like that I am cold.
I long for a relationship, like everyone else, want to be loved , want to be cared by someone. But it is difficult. The more expectations, the more disappointment.
10/12/16, 15:38 - Dairi Vele: with an EXCLUSJVE Prospecting Licence
10/12/16, 15:39 - Dairi Vele: I understand
10/12/16, 15:39 - Dora: Yes, you will be the 100% licencee
10/12/16, 15:39 - Dairi Vele: No farm out please
10/12/16, 15:40 - Dora: Registered. One licence , one operator only.
10/12/16, 15:41 - Dairi Vele: Yes! Can i ask who your last boyfriend was? Its good to know as we deal in this small town
10/12/16, 15:41 - Dairi Vele: I love it!
10/12/16, 15:44 - Dairi Vele: My family are out of the way in Brisbane
10/12/16, 15:44 - Dora: Nixon brought me to this country, we started as business friends , but it extended to an attachment , more or less. But he messed up his life , and I got very hurt in the end. However , I have my commitment to him in business and taking care of his wife and child. So No matter how many stupid things he is doing now in his career and later in election, I will still support him , as a friend.
10/12/16, 15:45 - Dairi Vele: You are a great friend and one that everyone should have in their life
10/12/16, 15:45 - Dairi Vele: 😅Minister
10/12/16, 15:46 - Dora: If he is not Minister, orMP, I will still support him. It's ok. But that's just for you to know.
10/12/16, 15:46 - Dairi Vele: Thank you for confiding at least i know to take care around him
10/12/16, 15:46 - Dairi Vele: Ok
10/12/16, 15:47 - Dora: The support is financially, not I support his professional decision . Many of his professional decisions are totally not professional at all. Too many clowns around him.
10/12/16, 15:48 - Dairi Vele: yes that much is true
10/12/16, 15:48 - Dora: so I distant myself to him from later last year. And only keep the financial part/business part.
10/12/16, 15:48 - Dairi Vele: he is surrounded by clowns
10/12/16, 15:49 - Dairi Vele: ok i understand. only Nixon to be wary of
10/12/16, 15:50 - Dora: There is another one.
10/12/16, 15:50 - Dairi Vele: D, you have been busy!
10/12/16, 15:50 - Dairi Vele: in work and play!
10/12/16, 15:52 - Dora: Not play at all. I was forced by a highlander to have sexual intercourse
10/12/16, 15:52 - Dairi Vele: oh my God!!!
10/12/16, 15:53 - Dairi Vele: Once only?
10/12/16, 15:54 - Dora: Nixon didn't protect me. He was supposed to come to have a meeting with me and that person, but he didn't come, I called him, I texted him , he was somewhere else and clearly was tied up either by his family issues or clowns
10/12/16, 15:54 - Dairi Vele: you are too vulnerable in POM
10/12/16, 15:54 - Dairi Vele: my God!
10/12/16, 15:56 - Dora: That person didn't aware of my relationship with Nixon ( actually no one knew, not even nixon's body guards or driver or police) , because everyone thought that I was just Nixon's business friend, which is true, we started from business relations only.
10/12/16, 15:58 - Dairi Vele: what a story! you have been through a lot
10/12/16, 15:58 - Dairi Vele: who is this asshole?
10/12/16, 15:58 - Dora: That person always wanted to keep me ever since. I was in fear.
10/12/16, 16:00 - Dairi Vele: you need me to protect you
10/12/16, 16:00 - Dairi Vele: i have an army at my disposal as you saw
10/12/16, 16:01 - Dairi Vele: Givr me the room key. i will protect you
10/12/16, 16:02 - Dairi Vele: who is this highlander?
10/12/16, 16:02 - Dora: D, thanks. my journey in PNG is very bumpy, that's why I don't socialise and don't go anywhere else other than just working and working
10/12/16, 16:03 - Dairi Vele: D, you are so special so vulnerable
10/12/16, 16:03 - Dairi Vele: let me look after you
10/12/16, 16:04 - Dora: D...
10/12/16, 16:04 - Dairi Vele: So we just watch out for Nixon and this highlander who shall emain unnamed
10/12/16, 16:04 - Dairi Vele: remain
10/12/16, 16:04 - Dairi Vele: Yes D?
10/12/16, 16:04 - Dora: Ok
10/12/16, 16:06 - Dairi Vele: you shall have my ping pong balls and my devastating weapon to protect you
10/12/16, 16:06 - Dora: You are gentle and caring, I hope I wouldn't be a burden on you.
10/12/16, 16:06 - Dairi Vele: I hope i never cross paths with this highlander
10/12/16, 16:07 - Dairi Vele: no burden only a tough work programme! !
10/12/16, 16:10 - Dairi Vele: lets just fuck each other senseless and look after each other. everything will be okay
10/12/16, 16:12 - Dora: 2017 will be an interesting year
10/12/16, 16:12 - Dairi Vele: D! we will have much fun!!!
10/12/16, 16:12 - Dairi Vele: you and i
10/12/16, 16:14 - Dora: Whatever happens out there, you will have me. If you feel bored or tired. I will there for you.
10/12/16, 16:14 - Dairi Vele: woohoo! D, thank you
10/12/16, 16:15 - Dairi Vele: It's amazing to have found you. a single woman with no existing romantic or sexual ties...all mine!
10/12/16, 16:17 - Dora: You like to fight with other men for ladies?
10/12/16, 16:18 - Dairi Vele: for you i will fight
10/12/16, 16:18 - Dairi Vele: no man will stand between us
10/12/16, 16:19 - Dora: 😊
10/12/16, 16:20 - Dairi Vele: 😀
10/12/16, 16:20 - Dairi Vele: 👅
10/12/16, 16:21 - Dora: 🍒
10/12/16, 16:23 - Dairi Vele: you will be punished
10/12/16, 16:23 - Dairi Vele: and loved
10/12/16, 16:23 - Dairi Vele: and licked
10/12/16, 16:24 - Dairi Vele: only 2 men to worry about. this is a small problem for a big prize
10/12/16, 16:24 - Dora: 😈
10/12/16, 16:25 - Dora: The highlander is not a problem. We were not in a relationship.
10/12/16, 16:26 - Dairi Vele: ok good 😈😈👅👅
10/12/16, 16:26 - Dairi Vele: we can fuck properly without worrying about him
10/12/16, 16:26 - Dora: I am just being honest to you for what happened to me in PNG . That's it.
10/12/16, 16:26 - Dairi Vele: D, i understand and i am so sorry
10/12/16, 16:27 - Dairi Vele: for this to happen to anyone is unthinkable
10/12/16, 16:27 - Dairi Vele: D & D we are perfect
10/12/16, 16:28 - Dora: 🏓
10/12/16, 16:30 - Dairi Vele: hahaha!
10/12/16, 16:30 - Dairi Vele: you like my dick?
10/12/16, 16:31 - Dairi Vele: Perfect ingredients: romance, sex, unattached and casual
10/12/16, 16:31 - Dairi Vele: busy lives
10/12/16, 16:31 - Dairi Vele: protect each other
10/12/16, 16:31 - Dora: that's a match
10/12/16, 16:33 - Dairi Vele: Perfect match
10/12/16, 16:34 - Dairi Vele: I'll pick up the key tomorrow and hand over your big early xmas present at the same time
10/12/16, 16:34 - Dairi Vele: Shall we say lunchtime?
10/12/16, 16:34 - Dora: Ok
10/12/16, 16:35 - Dora: tie a ribbon 🎀 on the "gift "
10/12/16, 16:35 - Dairi Vele: i shall tie 2
10/12/16, 16:35 - Dairi Vele: and a 3rd around my ping pong balls
10/12/16, 16:39 - Dora: will untie them using my lips
10/12/16, 16:39 - Dora: And teeth
10/12/16, 16:42 - Dairi Vele: 👅i wi die. i am sure of it
10/12/16, 16:42 - Dairi Vele: will
10/12/16, 16:44 - Dairi Vele: what is the pet name i shall call you??
10/12/16, 16:46 - Dairi Vele: hmm?
10/12/16, 16:46 - Dairi Vele: 😈👅
10/12/16, 16:47 - Dora: Thinking hard
10/12/16, 16:47 - Dora: Ok, anything
10/12/16, 16:47 - Dairi Vele: hahaha
10/12/16, 16:47 - Dairi Vele: i can't call you 'anything'!
10/12/16, 16:49 - Dairi Vele: ok keep thinking
10/12/16, 16:49 - Dairi Vele: ...😊
10/12/16, 16:49 - Dairi Vele: So 12 Noon tomorrow..get wet and ready for your wet xmas treat!
10/12/16, 16:50 - Dora: sure
10/12/16, 16:50 - Dairi Vele: D, i must be dreaming
10/12/16, 16:50 - Dairi Vele: when will i wake up?
10/12/16, 16:51 - Dora: Dream is a reflection of reality.
10/12/16, 16:51 - Dora: So it's real, actually.
10/12/16, 16:51 - Dairi Vele: haha
10/12/16, 16:51 - Dairi Vele: i love dreams
10/12/16, 16:52 - Dairi Vele: and your pet name..😊
10/12/16, 16:52 - Dairi Vele: D...
10/12/16, 16:53 - Dora: Have some pets before, all died.
10/12/16, 16:53 - Dairi Vele: D, that is so sad
10/12/16, 16:54 - Dairi Vele: its a pet name between us only
10/12/16, 16:54 - Dora: we think about it tomorrow
10/12/16, 16:57 - Dairi Vele: D, while we're fucking something shall spring to mind
10/12/16, 16:57 - Dairi Vele: IMG-20161210-WA0001.jpg (file attached)
10/12/16, 16:57 - Dairi Vele: you like it?
10/12/16, 16:58 - Dora: Is that yours
10/12/16, 16:59 - Dairi Vele: silly
10/12/16, 16:59 - Dairi Vele: 😊
10/12/16, 17:00 - Dairi Vele: D, let's set our business appointments
10/12/16, 17:01 - Dairi Vele: or we do that over lunch in bed unwrapping the xmas present?
10/12/16, 17:01 - Dora: Business appointment?
10/12/16, 17:01 - Dairi Vele: D? you sound busy
10/12/16, 17:01 - Dairi Vele: we chat later?
10/12/16, 17:01 - Dora: I am not busy
10/12/16, 17:02 - Dora: No it's okay
10/12/16, 17:02 - Dairi Vele: haha
10/12/16, 17:02 - Dairi Vele: ok
10/12/16, 17:02 - Dora: What business appointment ?
10/12/16, 17:02 - Dairi Vele: You're all mine
10/12/16, 17:02 - Dairi Vele: ok we don't need to transact anything in the office
10/12/16, 17:03 - Dairi Vele: Only in your bed. .when do you leave ?
10/12/16, 17:03 - Dora: Oh , about business, we do need to have a chat
10/12/16, 17:03 - Dora: A lot of things!
10/12/16, 17:03 - Dairi Vele: ok Let's discuss tomorrow
10/12/16, 17:03 - Dairi Vele: mmmm!
10/12/16, 17:04 - Dairi Vele: plenty things?
10/12/16, 17:04 - Dora: UPNG , APEC convention centre , Ramu2...
10/12/16, 17:04 - Dairi Vele: that means tomorrow's discussion will take all day and into the night 👅😊
10/12/16, 17:05 - Dairi Vele: Ok D, no problem
10/12/16, 17:06 - Dora: Monday we will see again, big boss wants us to have a proposal /submission of the APEC convention centre against the Oil Search proposal.
10/12/16, 17:06 - Dairi Vele: D, give me a pet name..😊
10/12/16, 17:06 - Dairi Vele: Done!
10/12/16, 17:06 - Dairi Vele: anything else?
10/12/16, 17:06 - Dairi Vele: power station?
10/12/16, 17:07 - Dora: ramu2, WD asked to discuss with me again , I don't know what he wants now, too many changes
10/12/16, 17:07 - Dairi Vele: ok
10/12/16, 17:07 - Dora: And UPNG , if you don't prepare the check now, I won't let you go, hehe.
10/12/16, 17:07 - Dairi Vele: its done!!!😈👅😊
10/12/16, 17:08 - Dora: Die tomorrow on the spot. Die in joy of course.
10/12/16, 17:08 - Dairi Vele: yes!
10/12/16, 17:08 - Dora: pet name, 🐼?
10/12/16, 17:08 - Dairi Vele: yes
10/12/16, 17:08 - Dairi Vele: Perfect. .Panda?
10/12/16, 17:09 - Dora: Panda is the most expensive animal in the world....
10/12/16, 17:09 - Dairi Vele: how appropriate!
10/12/16, 17:09 - Dairi Vele: Thanks D!
10/12/16, 17:10 - Dairi Vele: Panda 🐼 it shall be
10/12/16, 17:11 - Dora: 🐼
10/12/16, 17:11 - Dairi Vele: 🐶
10/12/16, 17:11 - Dairi Vele: i love it!!!