Our nation is in a serious crisis. Both leadership and financial.
It is the most challenging time confronting PNG due to technological advancement through mass communications and transportation that exposes and brings us closer and in contact with the rest of the world.
In the past decade we have witnessed a sharp decline in the social standards and indicators , the economic sector shrinking due to lack of vision by our strategic planners.
The decline in law and order and the inferior infrastructure outside of Pt Moresby metropolitan have made our situation very untenable.
I along with few handful of concerned candidates have raised our hands to enter the 2017 General Elections.
I chose to contest the Madang Regional Seat under the PANGU PATI banner.
Madang as in other provinces in PNG have serious Leadership crisis and neglect reflected by the physical and desperate conditions of roads and infrastructure and general decline in law and order .
I am a graduate in Militray Arts and Strategy and also a graduate in Management Studies. I was a career commissioned officer in the PNGDF for 22 years.
I am a humble son of Madang when I rose up to the rank of Major General (2 star) and commanded the PNGDF during the most turbulent times in our history when Bougainville was diseminatef by a civil strife (1990-2000).
The nation was looking for ways to end the crisis along with political leadership greed when I put my career on the line and exposed a wider rot over the corrupt Sandline deal and forced a Prime Minister his Deputy and the Minister for Defence to resign or step aside.
Who else would have done what I did then or even today when our leaders are compromised and not putting people first?
I took this action with great personal sacrifice
and put the lives of people first before my own.
Today PNG is in much more serious security and ethical crisis due to dubious deals with foreign interests .
Our nation continues to slumber into serious financial and social demise at the hands of few leaders at the expense of over 7million people.
I am a military General.
I am experienced enough properly and professionally trained and highly educated to provide much needed leadership for the people of Madang and greater PNG. I am we respected nationally, Regionally and the world knows me.
In my Vision for Madang. I will re-position Madang to be; SAFE,SECURE, BEAUTIFUL and PROSPEROUS.
I will provide the visionary guidence by investing in people (HR) and connect the future wealth and well - being with a strong economic foundation through Agriculture for the Madang people.
I have just completed a robust module for Education that will be heart and soul of my tenure if given the mandate by the people of Madang. This model requires proper analysis consultation and compliances before I promulgate and publishise it.
In my next segment or Part 2 I will highlight PANGU PATI's Platforms to be incorporated in Madang's Medium to Long Term Development Strategy.