JUSTIN TKATCHENKO LEFT AUSTRALIA TO "DO GOOD" IN PNG. HE HAS DONE VERY WELL INDEED, OFF THE BACKS OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY: Between him and Powes Parkop and their limitless chequing account to build overpriced infrastructure in Port Moresby, we do believe that Justin Tkatchenko has a fighting chance to push the government's financial situation between now and 2018 just enough to cause the whole house of paper to come tumbling down, right in front of the APEC world leaders. Oh must our Lord Jesus be smiling at the prospects of this heavenly judgment against corruption and evil! Only the perpetually blind or chronically brain dead have failed to wake up to the scam Justin Tkatchenko has been putting on the people of Papua New Guinea, starting with his little landscaping business in the 1990s that seemed to get multimillion kina government contracts much too easily! Now we're seeing that Justin is creating his escape route, a life of leisure down in Brissie if we the people of PNG finally wake up and chase him back to where he belongs.
But we will give the Honourable Minister credit. For someone who has more voice volume than common sense, he has managed to bamboozle and entire nation and walked away with a mighty large treasure chest. Not bad for the son of poor Ukrainian immigrants. Although Australia proved not to be such the land of opportunity they had hoped for, Papua New Guinea proved to be the place of elephant profits. As esteemed PNG lawyer Greg Sheppard, legal advisor to those seeking advice on how to get bribes deposited in to corrupt politician's overseas accounts said once, there are no pygmy business opportunities in PNG, only elephant opportunities to make big money. Reserved for foreigners and corrupt nationals only, unfortunately.
Papua New Guinea’s Minister for APEC, Sports and Special Events, Justin Tkatchenko, is planning to build for himself a lavish multi-million dollar mini-estate on 8.5 acres of land in the rural Brisbane suburb of Brookfield.
The estate will comprise an ornate main dwelling (shown above) with feature spiral staircase and cupola roof, a three bed-room second dwelling, large gym, animal stables, an ornamental lake with two fountains, a large bird aviary complex, 25 metre swimming pool, two pavilions, garages, sheds, large greenhouse and other outbuildings.

Plan view of the ground floor of the main dwelling with its ornate circular staircase, veranda over-looking the fountain and lake and alfresco dining area
All this on a piece of land Tkatchenko purchased for a cool $1.77 million in November 2015, as revealed on PNG Blogs .
Tkatchenko has engaged the exclusive architectural firm, Argo, to design his estate and Clegg Town Planning consultants to guide the proposed development through the planning process.
Tkatchenko already owns another home in Brisbane, in the exclusive inner city suburb of Fig Tree Pocket, purchased in 2011 for $1.1 million.
Minister Tkatchenko has a long history of unanswered fraud allegations and has been exposed for lying to Parliament over contracts awarded to his family business; the same business, Kitoro No.33, that is now involved in the development of 15 Upper Brookfield Road.