The Government’s Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari who heads the Country's Public Service machinery has once again come under the spot light of corrupt activities.
Lupari who not long ago was identified to be at the center of the K3.7 million fraud by the Finance Department Commission of Inquiry. (but was never prosecuted).
This time Lupari has been seen to be using the office of the Prime Minister and his position as the Chief Secretary to steal.
On December 2015 Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari advised the Prime Minister's Department by writing that the Prime Minister approved K1 million from the PM's Commitment Funds for the Ipatas Foundation Inc in which he is the Executive Chairman.
The Ipatas Foundation Inc is a non-profit organisation established by the Enga Provincial Government. The foundation is registered and certified under the Association Incorporation Act of PNG and is run by a board who are appointed by the Enga Provincial Executive Council.
As of close of accounts on December 2015 the National Gaming Control Board raised K1 million to the Ipatas Foundation Inc.
The sinister thing was that the Ipatas Foundation Inc has two Bank of South Pacific (BSP) accounts. - Account number 1003023387 and 1001709822.
However, the K1 million was deposited into the account number 1003023387 in which Chief Secretary Lupari was the sole signatory to that account.
On January 16th there was two lots of transfers of K300,000 from the Ipatas Foundation account number 1003023387 to PMI Ltd, totaling to K600,000.
PMI Ltd is a company owned and operated by Isaac Lupari and Jane Lupari (wife of Isaac Lupari).
On February 2016 another two lots of transfers took place in the sum of K200,000 each that totalled up to K400,000. Both transfers again were from the Ipatas Foundation to PMI Ltd.
So the total amount of transfered so far in a space of two months totalled up to K1 million.
One must note that the other Ipatas Foundation BSP Account Number 1001709822 is operated by another faction in the Ipatas Foundation.
However, as it must be known that Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari who is the Executive Chairman of the Ipatas Foundation Inc and a signatory to the Foundations operating account.
Lupari is also a Director and shareholder of PMI Ltd along with his wife Jane Lupari.
PMI Ltd is not a registered tax payer with IRC.
And because the Ipatas Foundation Inc is a NGO (charity organization ) Chief Secretary Lupari uses the foundation as a conduit to move donations and contributions from various sources including the Gaming Board and government to his non registered tax paying company, PMI Ltd and therefore evades paying taxes liabilities.
This is clear case of conspiracy to steal, conflict of interest and taxbu evasion.
Now we can see how ruthless Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari is in his corrupt endeavors by using the PM's Office and his position as Chief Secretary.
The Government’s Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari who heads the Country's Public Service machinery has once again come under the spot light of corrupt activities.
Lupari who not long ago was identified to be at the center of the K3.7 million fraud by the Finance Department Commission of Inquiry. (but was never prosecuted).
This time Lupari has been seen to be using the office of the Prime Minister and his position as the Chief Secretary to steal.
On December 2015 Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari advised the Prime Minister's Department by writing that the Prime Minister approved K1 million from the PM's Commitment Funds for the Ipatas Foundation Inc in which he is the Executive Chairman.
The Ipatas Foundation Inc is a non-profit organisation established by the Enga Provincial Government. The foundation is registered and certified under the Association Incorporation Act of PNG and is run by a board who are appointed by the Enga Provincial Executive Council.
As of close of accounts on December 2015 the National Gaming Control Board raised K1 million to the Ipatas Foundation Inc.
The sinister thing was that the Ipatas Foundation Inc has two Bank of South Pacific (BSP) accounts. - Account number 1003023387 and 1001709822.
However, the K1 million was deposited into the account number 1003023387 in which Chief Secretary Lupari was the sole signatory to that account.
On January 16th there was two lots of transfers of K300,000 from the Ipatas Foundation account number 1003023387 to PMI Ltd, totaling to K600,000.
PMI Ltd is a company owned and operated by Isaac Lupari and Jane Lupari (wife of Isaac Lupari).
On February 2016 another two lots of transfers took place in the sum of K200,000 each that totalled up to K400,000. Both transfers again were from the Ipatas Foundation to PMI Ltd.
So the total amount of transfered so far in a space of two months totalled up to K1 million.
One must note that the other Ipatas Foundation BSP Account Number 1001709822 is operated by another faction in the Ipatas Foundation.
However, as it must be known that Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari who is the Executive Chairman of the Ipatas Foundation Inc and a signatory to the Foundations operating account.
Lupari is also a Director and shareholder of PMI Ltd along with his wife Jane Lupari.
PMI Ltd is not a registered tax payer with IRC.
And because the Ipatas Foundation Inc is a NGO (charity organization ) Chief Secretary Lupari uses the foundation as a conduit to move donations and contributions from various sources including the Gaming Board and government to his non registered tax paying company, PMI Ltd and therefore evades paying taxes liabilities.
This is clear case of conspiracy to steal, conflict of interest and taxbu evasion.
Now we can see how ruthless Chief Secretary Isaac Lupari is in his corrupt endeavors by using the PM's Office and his position as Chief Secretary.