Renowned Economists monitoring our economy are telling us that the "free health" policy is costed at only K20 million a year. Clearly, this is nowhere near the level that would be required to actually deliver a "free health" service of any quality in PNG.” The National Budgets of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 do show us that the Free Health Services was allocated only K20 million in all those years.
The highly-acclaimed Vision 2050 envisions that PNG will be a healthier nation by 2050. Are we heading there? Has Peter O’Neill’s Government worked towards that goal?
The reality is that, all the health services in PNG have deteriorated since O’Neill got into power. There is acute shortage of medical supplies, both equipment and drugs. Kundiawa General Hospital and Daru General Hospital were among the few that hosted fundraising dinners in Port Moresby to raise much needed funds for their daily operations in 2016. Recently, Dr Jacob Yackopua, director of the Emergency Unit at Port Moresby General Hospital issued an SOS call to the public to provide very basic supplies for emergency procedures. Our people are dying like guinea pigs from curable diseases and the O’Neill Government does not have any feelings for them.
All the hospitals are referring our sick people to private clinics and chemists to purchase much needed drugs themselves.
Ironically, Peter O’Neill’s government still has money to fund inflated contracts, pay his corrupt loyal MPs and fly the falcon around, just to name a few. At the time when O’Neill announced the free health policy (2012), we were financially capable to fund the free health service but come to think of it now, it was really an hoax. He gave lip service to us.
It is understood the funds (K20m) for the free health service was never transferred to the Health Department to be administered. The funds were however withheld at the National Planning Department and administered at the will of the Minister for National Planning who is known for the K300 million National ID Card scam. Whether the funds did actually trickle down is still a mystery, adding to all the mysteries created by this mysterious government.
We have been conned and will continue to be, as long as the master liar is in control. Peter O’Neill’s free health policy is an hoax.
Renowned Economists monitoring our economy are telling us that the "free health" policy is costed at only K20 million a year. Clearly, this is nowhere near the level that would be required to actually deliver a "free health" service of any quality in PNG.” The National Budgets of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 do show us that the Free Health Services was allocated only K20 million in all those years.
The highly-acclaimed Vision 2050 envisions that PNG will be a healthier nation by 2050. Are we heading there? Has Peter O’Neill’s Government worked towards that goal?
The reality is that, all the health services in PNG have deteriorated since O’Neill got into power. There is acute shortage of medical supplies, both equipment and drugs. Kundiawa General Hospital and Daru General Hospital were among the few that hosted fundraising dinners in Port Moresby to raise much needed funds for their daily operations in 2016. Recently, Dr Jacob Yackopua, director of the Emergency Unit at Port Moresby General Hospital issued an SOS call to the public to provide very basic supplies for emergency procedures. Our people are dying like guinea pigs from curable diseases and the O’Neill Government does not have any feelings for them.
All the hospitals are referring our sick people to private clinics and chemists to purchase much needed drugs themselves.
Ironically, Peter O’Neill’s government still has money to fund inflated contracts, pay his corrupt loyal MPs and fly the falcon around, just to name a few. At the time when O’Neill announced the free health policy (2012), we were financially capable to fund the free health service but come to think of it now, it was really an hoax. He gave lip service to us.
It is understood the funds (K20m) for the free health service was never transferred to the Health Department to be administered. The funds were however withheld at the National Planning Department and administered at the will of the Minister for National Planning who is known for the K300 million National ID Card scam. Whether the funds did actually trickle down is still a mystery, adding to all the mysteries created by this mysterious government.
We have been conned and will continue to be, as long as the master liar is in control. Peter O’Neill’s free health policy is an hoax.