The recently appointed Chairman of the Kumul Telikom Holdings Ltd, Mr. Mahesh Patel has been and continue to do so by meddling into the affairs of the executive government in the running of Telikom PNG Ltd.
As an expatriate and a noncitizen of this country he is not entitled to play politics and must be restrain from doing despite his close association with our local MPS. The appointment of Michael Donnelly as the CEO of Telikom PNG is clear example of a close deal. The NEC Decision No: 360/2016 has revoked Michael Donnelly contract and subsequently appointed Moses Tendumo as the acting CEO. This did not go well with Mahesh Patel and he coerced NEC Decision No: 44/2017. This revoked the appointment of Moses Tedumo and allowed for Michael Donnelly to serve his full contract till April 2017 and at the same time appointing him as the Team Leader of Transition Team of the merging of Telikom, Bemobile and DataCo. This shows a clear disrespect of an executive decision by a foreigner who has a vested interest in the Telecommunication industry in PNG. He should close down his CPL Business in PNG and be deported immediately out from PNG to go play pure politics elsewhere in Australia or in Fiji.
Another manifestation of Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly’s willing and dealing in Telikom is the micro management of the business to protect their own greed and self-interest. Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly did not make any attempt to officially communicate to the Telikom staff and Telikom subsidiaries the NEC Decision No: 360/2016 on the change of Telikom CEO Position. However, a General Notice dated 16 January and signed by Mahesh Patel as Chairman Telikom Board was sent out to all Telikom Staff and subsidiaries that Michael Donnelly is still the CEO of Telikom, when in fact he was not. Who played the game again refusing not to comply with NEC-Decision No. 360/2016 and NEC-Decision No. 44/2017?, Mahesh Patel usurping and asserting power-play in politics by overriding NEC – decision of 360/2016 and orchestrating NEC-Decision No. 44/2017.
This is in direct defiance to the NEC Decision No: 360/2016 which revoked Michael Donnelly contract as Telikom CEO and appointed Mahesh Patel as Chairman of Kumul Telikom Holdings Ltd which again makes the General Notice unlawful in its entirety.
Never before in the past, had we seen Chairman or CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd, either expatriates or nationals defying any NEC – Decisions. However, Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly, both expatriates seems to carry on in their defiance, without even being warned or cautioned by the executive government and through its established agencies such as Department of Labour and Employment and Migration Department for expatriates employed in PNG to uphold and abide within the existing laws of PNG.
Given the above scenario, Michael Donnelly has not acted in good faith and not in the best interest of the State which makes him an undesirable element and must not be allowed back into the country after the end of his contract in mid- March 2017. He and Mahesh Patel, without informing the staff of Telikom PNG Ltd, quietly slip out of the country and now in Australia to renew ‘WORK PERMIT’ of Michael Donnelly to re-enter PNG and be appointed another three term as CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd.
The Union with its members, staff and Full National Management Team in Telikom PNG Ltd do not want him back, after both he and Mahesh Patel ran down the company since their appointments in 2012 and 2014. No dividend profit declared since 2013 to 2016 under the leadership of both gentlemen and both have misinformed the national government by splitting Telikom PNG Ltd and selling all its core businesses to outside players in the telecommunication market, virtually rendering the company to just mere retail business, and no longer a major player in the telecommunication industry in PNG.
The Union is calling on Department of Labour & Employment Division not to approve work permit of Michael Donnelly, this will also dismantle the close personal and business relationship he has with Mahesh Patel and will now pave way for a transparent and accountable leadership in Telikom PNG Ltd. The Union is also calling on Department of Migration, not to approve his visa of entry into PNG.
Furthermore, for the record, during the three years of Michael Donnelly term in office, he has done more harm than good. He did not put in place a five year Corporate Plan of Telikom PNG Ltd with no proper organizational structure to date. Not to mention, he failed miserably to mentor a successor despite the fact that the position has been localized some years back in mid 1990s. Moreover, the biggest blinder he did was the introduced ‘Spill & Fill concept’- that costed Telikom dearly with Tens of millions of Kina on the massive forced retrenchment of skilled personnel which resulted in skills gap and further recruitment of trainees and personnel.
PNG Communication Workers Union has Taken TPNG Ltd to National Court over the forced retrenchment under Spill & Fill concept, which the Union was not party to the decision, or MOA in place. The whole exercise breached EBA-Enterprise Bargaining Agreement of 2010 between Telikom PNG Ltd and the Union. The Union also believes that Spill & Fill was not consistent with Labour Laws of PNG and breached ILO – Convention treaty of Human rights law, HR-best practises, Rules, Laws, governing Act under the constitution of PNG.
He is retired public servant and was a very close neighbour of Mr. Mahesh Patel, both living in Sydney suburb. He possess no proper telecommunication engineering degree/masters nor has over 12 years of experience in both management and telecommunication industry. He was never an applicant to CEO position in 2014, but was handpicked by Mahesh Patel, due to close association and to fulfil Mahesh Patel wishes in Telikom PNG.
He was brought in by Mr. Mahesh Patel in or around July/August, 2014, forcing national CEO – Mr. Charles Litau to vacate his three years contract as CEO of TPNG. Mahesh Patel, defied former minister for IPBC,(now KCH Ltd) - Hon. Ben Micah ministerial letter to him not to terminate former CEO of Telikom, Mr. Charles Litau. He also defied legal advice from former Chief Legal Officer of Telikom PNG Ltd, Mr. Philip Aeava not to terminate Mr. Charles Litau, reason being there was no cause of his termination brought by Mangement to the Board of TPNG Ltd. Mahesh Patel, hate to work with the national managers, he went ahead appointed Michael Donnelly as CEO of TPNG Ltd in 2014, when Michael Donnelly was not even a candidate applying for a job as CEO of TPNG Ltd. Only four competent nationals applied for CEO position in TPNG Ltd, but were overlooked by Mahesh Patel.
In all this is an expatriate, Indian/Fijian, a fugitive, playing pure politics in PNG and must not be allowed to venture further. With both, him and Michael Donnelly, they have breached the Leadership code they both signed in or around 22nd May 2014 in good governance practice.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel brought in ‘Spill & Fill’ , introduced it in TPNG to use staff of TPNG as gini-pigs to try out their new concept or un-approve policy in retrenching some 300 plus employees in August of 2015 and continued into 2016. Both expatriates have done considerable damage to TPNG as State Asset without single remorse. Telikom PNG Ltd is owned by the government and 8.5 million people of PNG, it is not the family company of either Mahesh Patel or Michael Donnelly.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel split TPNG into pieces, resulted in the company never declared any dividend profit, periods 2013, 2104, 2015 and 2016. TPNG Ltd, never paid any dividend to the State.
Mr. Michael Donnelly breach ‘NURSING COUNSIL CODE OF ETHICS AND PRACTISES’, by employing his wife: Sarah Donnelly to carryout health awareness programme amongst all staff of TPNG Ltd since 2014; when she is not a fully registered nurse with nursing council of PNG.
Mr. Michael Donnelly breached ‘EBA-Enterprise Bargaining Agreement’ which contained all ‘TERMS & CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT of staff in TPNG Ltd, without also complying to Labour Laws of PNG; when he and Mr. Mahesh Patel brought in Spill& Fill and forced retrenched 300 plus employees to abundant their job without their will and consent.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel are working around the clock to convince Hon. Prime Minister-Peter O’Neil to keep their jobs and working towards merging of three teleco companies; being: Telikom PNG Ltd, BeMobile and DataCo.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel are not consulting with the Union, which represent the interest and terms and condition of all staff in TPNG Ltd, before driving their agenda and business interest through the government using NEC-National Executive Council as smoke screen - to gazette the merging of three teleco companies which they will finally owned it through major shareholding.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel are playing pure politics, no expatriates in PNG should play politics. They were recruited and appointed if through proper screening process on merit of appointments to manage SOEs for people of PNG and to serve the Independent State of PNG to the best of their abilities to the code of good governance they signed in 2014.
He and Mahesh Patel have seen fit not to comply with NEC – Decision No. 360/2016. This NEC –Decision resulted in the revocation of Michael Donnelly as CEO of TPNG Ltd and appointment of Mr. Moses Tendumo (national engineer) as acting – Chief Executive Officer of TPNG Ltd. Mr. Moses Tendumo never assumed his role as Acting – CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd since December of 2016. Mahesh Patel refused to allow him to take up his role as Acting –CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd. IT is so obvious and real fact that, both He and Michael Donnelly have vested interest in Telecommunication business in PNG.
Mr. Mahesh Patel as Chairman of Kumul Board has usurp and assert power of influence over the NEC-Decision No. 360/2016, not to recognize NEC-Decision in the appointment of Moses Tendumo as Acting-CEO of TPNG Ltd. In fact his decision not to comply with NEC-Decision, literally in breach of NEC-Decision, which is one of the highest decision making body in the government. At no time, should an expatriate or a foreigner be seen meddling with the decision of the government. Mahesh Patel-as Chairman of Kumul Telikom Board breach all protocol of the government. The right government which stands by its policies, should have deported Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly immediately for simply playing politics of PNG since January of 2017.
Mr. Mahesh Patel in his quest to become one of the in-fluently Board Chairman in PNG using direct politics through the office of Prime Minister and through the office of Minister for KCHL, Charles Abel has orchestrated the revocation of Mr. Moses Tendumo as Acting – CEO of TPNG Ltd as per NEC-Decision No.360/2016 and instead came up with a new submission paper to have NEC-to reappoint Michael Donnelly as CEO of TPNG to continue his another three year term. Refer to copy of NEC – Decision 44/2017, which indicates CEO of TPNG is to remain to serve out his full term. This is a rhetoric lie, Chairman and CEO; both are down in Australia to renew working permit for Michael Donnelly to be re-appointed as CEO of TPNG Ltd which the Union with its members, staff and Management of TPNG refuse to have him reappointed after running the company down very badly since 2014.
Both NEC-Decisions, Decision No. 360/2016 and Decision No. 44/2017 are not the doing of Prime Minister, nor Minister, Charles Abel. Union is reliably informed that, Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly are the perpetrators of these NEC-Decisions. Media has widely published that its NEC-Decision to merge the three teleco companies, but in actual facts, the ‘BIG PLAYERS ARE EXPATRITAES BEHINED THE SCENSES’ doing all the bidding and merging of all State Assets, so that they can have huge slice of cake and control direct shares into these companies. A day light robbery, denying 8.5 million people of PNG.
Since 20th December, 2016, up to this date and month of March, 2017; there is no CEO appointed to lead TPNG. Instead, Mahesh Patel assume his dual role as Chairman of Kumul Telikom Board as per NEC –Decision No.44/2017 and also micro managing TPNG as CEO as he always did when he was yet Chairman of TPNG, period, 2012 to 2016.
Mahesh Patel continues to use Priscilla Salle – Manager HR in TPNG Ltd to continue issue internal memos and circular to all staff that, stating that Michael Donnelly is still the CEO, but in fact he is not since 20th December, 2016, when NEC-Decision No.360/2016 already revoked his appointment as CEO and appointed Mr. Moses Tendumo as Acting – Chief Executive Officer of TPNG Ltd. Mr. Tendumo never assumed his role as Acting –CEO of TPNG Ltd, because Mahesh Patel refused to allow him to be CEO. To this date, the position of CEO of TPNG is still vacant, while Mahesh Patel continues to micro-manage Telikom PNG Ltd.
The Union is urging Department of Labour & Employment Division to take this as quite serious, Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly (both expatriates are playing pure politics). For Michael Donnelly, his work permit must not be allowed for approval nor given a stamp of approval by the Department of Labour & Employment Division.
He has not, and he continues not willing to work with any national executive managers, since his appointment in 2014. His colonialism attitude of ‘Big Man Mentality’ over ‘small man’ still controls his behaviour. Both him and Mahesh Patel, are anti-unionist, they refuse to negotiate or work with the Union. Union has no part in the overall management of Telikom PNG Ltd under their leadership. In the past, Union had no problem working with Telikom Management under national leadership, both at Board level and with CEO’s office.
For the government of the day, what Chairman and CEO will tell them is this, Oh!,.. we have open door policy in Telikom PNG Ltd, Union are most welcome to meet with us for any talks or negotiations. But this is only a fuss, when in reality; they don’t live by what they speak out of their mouth.
All are rhetoric lies, both expatriates are anti-unionist, they have no room to work with the Union. Both are selfish, arrogant, full of self-pride and don’t want to work with any nationals whom they see are smarter than them.
PNG Communication Workers Union reiterate its stand and call on Department of Labour & Employment Division for the immediate revocation of Mr. Michael Donnelly’s Work Permit and furthermore will write to Chief Migration Officer not to allow or approve visa entry of Michael Donnelly into PNG.
For public view and comment, refer to few of these hard documents as evident, proving that Mahesh Patel is the main player of mingling with politics of PNG and he is the power player and manipulator of NEC-Decisions.
All that PNG local media has been telling people of PNG since February of 2017, that National Executive Council has given a green light for the merging of three teleco companies; Telikom PNG Ltd, Bemobile and DataCo, is not at all NEC-isolated decisions; instead it’s Mahesh Patel pushing his interest through NEC. He has a vested interest in telecommunication industry in PNG. That’s why, he made his way up to be appointed Chairman of Kumul Telikom Holdings Limited, so that he can direct the traffic which way to go to suit his self-greed interest.
Proof/Evidence -2: (Mahesh Patel refusing to take heed to Telikom Chief Legal Officer – Legal Opinion, not to terminate Mr. Charles Litau)
Proof/Evidence 3: (NEC –Decision No. 360/2016 (g) revocation of the appointment of Michael Donnelly as the Chief Executive Officer of Telikom PNG Ltd with immediate effect and to appoint Moses Tendumo as Acting Chief Executive Officer of Telikom PNG Ltd pending the advertisement and recruitment of an appropriate person;)
Proof/Evidence 4: (Mahesh Patel orchestrated another NEC-Submission and came up with new NEC-Decision No:44/2017 in the revocation of Moses Tendumo as Acting Chief Executive Officer of Telikom PNG Ltd and to retain Michael Donnelly to serve his full term as CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd)
Proof/Evidence 5: (Michael Donnelly as CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd, engaging his wife: Serah D. Donnelly to carrying out health awareness & safety programs amongst Telikom staff throughout the country on Telikom expenses, when she is not a legally registered member of the ‘Nursing Council of PNG and in breaching Nursing Council code of practise’. She has no valid work permit to be employed in Telikom PNG Ltd).
Proof/Evidence 6: (Mahesh Patel and CEO – Michael Donnelly, both expatriates introduced ‘Spill & Fill’ new foreign concept of Redundancy in Telikom PNG Ltd in March/April of 2015, resulted in forced retrenchment of some 300 plus well qualified staff to vacate their job employment without their will and consent to leave the company. Spill & Fill ‘is not consistent with Labour Laws of PNG’. In fact Spill & Fill was a concept introduced in Australia by former Minister for Communications – Mr. Malcom Turnbull who is now Prime Minister of Australia. Spill & Fill was vigorously opposed by ‘Public Sector Unions’ in Australia and including ‘wider Community’ there, reason being, why introducing a new concept; when Australia Labour Laws have been there as safe guarantee for all their workers for centuries?,…
The Union Executives, with members, staff and national management team of TPNG Ltd, requesting immediate action to be taken by Department of Labour & Employment Division and Migration Department, not to approve Mr. Michael Donnelly’s work permit and his visa of entry into PNG.
The Union also urges the executive government and its agencies to warn and caution Mr. Mahesh Patel not to mingle with or play pure politics in PNG. If he continues to do so, he has to be immediately deported out from PNG. Both expatriates have done considerable damage to Telikom PNG Ltd. Both don’t deserve to be living and working in PNG.
The recently appointed Chairman of the Kumul Telikom Holdings Ltd, Mr. Mahesh Patel has been and continue to do so by meddling into the affairs of the executive government in the running of Telikom PNG Ltd.
As an expatriate and a noncitizen of this country he is not entitled to play politics and must be restrain from doing despite his close association with our local MPS. The appointment of Michael Donnelly as the CEO of Telikom PNG is clear example of a close deal. The NEC Decision No: 360/2016 has revoked Michael Donnelly contract and subsequently appointed Moses Tendumo as the acting CEO. This did not go well with Mahesh Patel and he coerced NEC Decision No: 44/2017. This revoked the appointment of Moses Tedumo and allowed for Michael Donnelly to serve his full contract till April 2017 and at the same time appointing him as the Team Leader of Transition Team of the merging of Telikom, Bemobile and DataCo. This shows a clear disrespect of an executive decision by a foreigner who has a vested interest in the Telecommunication industry in PNG. He should close down his CPL Business in PNG and be deported immediately out from PNG to go play pure politics elsewhere in Australia or in Fiji.
Another manifestation of Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly’s willing and dealing in Telikom is the micro management of the business to protect their own greed and self-interest. Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly did not make any attempt to officially communicate to the Telikom staff and Telikom subsidiaries the NEC Decision No: 360/2016 on the change of Telikom CEO Position. However, a General Notice dated 16 January and signed by Mahesh Patel as Chairman Telikom Board was sent out to all Telikom Staff and subsidiaries that Michael Donnelly is still the CEO of Telikom, when in fact he was not. Who played the game again refusing not to comply with NEC-Decision No. 360/2016 and NEC-Decision No. 44/2017?, Mahesh Patel usurping and asserting power-play in politics by overriding NEC – decision of 360/2016 and orchestrating NEC-Decision No. 44/2017.
This is in direct defiance to the NEC Decision No: 360/2016 which revoked Michael Donnelly contract as Telikom CEO and appointed Mahesh Patel as Chairman of Kumul Telikom Holdings Ltd which again makes the General Notice unlawful in its entirety.
Never before in the past, had we seen Chairman or CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd, either expatriates or nationals defying any NEC – Decisions. However, Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly, both expatriates seems to carry on in their defiance, without even being warned or cautioned by the executive government and through its established agencies such as Department of Labour and Employment and Migration Department for expatriates employed in PNG to uphold and abide within the existing laws of PNG.
Given the above scenario, Michael Donnelly has not acted in good faith and not in the best interest of the State which makes him an undesirable element and must not be allowed back into the country after the end of his contract in mid- March 2017. He and Mahesh Patel, without informing the staff of Telikom PNG Ltd, quietly slip out of the country and now in Australia to renew ‘WORK PERMIT’ of Michael Donnelly to re-enter PNG and be appointed another three term as CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd.
The Union with its members, staff and Full National Management Team in Telikom PNG Ltd do not want him back, after both he and Mahesh Patel ran down the company since their appointments in 2012 and 2014. No dividend profit declared since 2013 to 2016 under the leadership of both gentlemen and both have misinformed the national government by splitting Telikom PNG Ltd and selling all its core businesses to outside players in the telecommunication market, virtually rendering the company to just mere retail business, and no longer a major player in the telecommunication industry in PNG.
The Union is calling on Department of Labour & Employment Division not to approve work permit of Michael Donnelly, this will also dismantle the close personal and business relationship he has with Mahesh Patel and will now pave way for a transparent and accountable leadership in Telikom PNG Ltd. The Union is also calling on Department of Migration, not to approve his visa of entry into PNG.
Furthermore, for the record, during the three years of Michael Donnelly term in office, he has done more harm than good. He did not put in place a five year Corporate Plan of Telikom PNG Ltd with no proper organizational structure to date. Not to mention, he failed miserably to mentor a successor despite the fact that the position has been localized some years back in mid 1990s. Moreover, the biggest blinder he did was the introduced ‘Spill & Fill concept’- that costed Telikom dearly with Tens of millions of Kina on the massive forced retrenchment of skilled personnel which resulted in skills gap and further recruitment of trainees and personnel.
PNG Communication Workers Union has Taken TPNG Ltd to National Court over the forced retrenchment under Spill & Fill concept, which the Union was not party to the decision, or MOA in place. The whole exercise breached EBA-Enterprise Bargaining Agreement of 2010 between Telikom PNG Ltd and the Union. The Union also believes that Spill & Fill was not consistent with Labour Laws of PNG and breached ILO – Convention treaty of Human rights law, HR-best practises, Rules, Laws, governing Act under the constitution of PNG.
He is retired public servant and was a very close neighbour of Mr. Mahesh Patel, both living in Sydney suburb. He possess no proper telecommunication engineering degree/masters nor has over 12 years of experience in both management and telecommunication industry. He was never an applicant to CEO position in 2014, but was handpicked by Mahesh Patel, due to close association and to fulfil Mahesh Patel wishes in Telikom PNG.
He was brought in by Mr. Mahesh Patel in or around July/August, 2014, forcing national CEO – Mr. Charles Litau to vacate his three years contract as CEO of TPNG. Mahesh Patel, defied former minister for IPBC,(now KCH Ltd) - Hon. Ben Micah ministerial letter to him not to terminate former CEO of Telikom, Mr. Charles Litau. He also defied legal advice from former Chief Legal Officer of Telikom PNG Ltd, Mr. Philip Aeava not to terminate Mr. Charles Litau, reason being there was no cause of his termination brought by Mangement to the Board of TPNG Ltd. Mahesh Patel, hate to work with the national managers, he went ahead appointed Michael Donnelly as CEO of TPNG Ltd in 2014, when Michael Donnelly was not even a candidate applying for a job as CEO of TPNG Ltd. Only four competent nationals applied for CEO position in TPNG Ltd, but were overlooked by Mahesh Patel.
In all this is an expatriate, Indian/Fijian, a fugitive, playing pure politics in PNG and must not be allowed to venture further. With both, him and Michael Donnelly, they have breached the Leadership code they both signed in or around 22nd May 2014 in good governance practice.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel brought in ‘Spill & Fill’ , introduced it in TPNG to use staff of TPNG as gini-pigs to try out their new concept or un-approve policy in retrenching some 300 plus employees in August of 2015 and continued into 2016. Both expatriates have done considerable damage to TPNG as State Asset without single remorse. Telikom PNG Ltd is owned by the government and 8.5 million people of PNG, it is not the family company of either Mahesh Patel or Michael Donnelly.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel split TPNG into pieces, resulted in the company never declared any dividend profit, periods 2013, 2104, 2015 and 2016. TPNG Ltd, never paid any dividend to the State.
Mr. Michael Donnelly breach ‘NURSING COUNSIL CODE OF ETHICS AND PRACTISES’, by employing his wife: Sarah Donnelly to carryout health awareness programme amongst all staff of TPNG Ltd since 2014; when she is not a fully registered nurse with nursing council of PNG.
Mr. Michael Donnelly breached ‘EBA-Enterprise Bargaining Agreement’ which contained all ‘TERMS & CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT of staff in TPNG Ltd, without also complying to Labour Laws of PNG; when he and Mr. Mahesh Patel brought in Spill& Fill and forced retrenched 300 plus employees to abundant their job without their will and consent.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel are working around the clock to convince Hon. Prime Minister-Peter O’Neil to keep their jobs and working towards merging of three teleco companies; being: Telikom PNG Ltd, BeMobile and DataCo.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel are not consulting with the Union, which represent the interest and terms and condition of all staff in TPNG Ltd, before driving their agenda and business interest through the government using NEC-National Executive Council as smoke screen - to gazette the merging of three teleco companies which they will finally owned it through major shareholding.
He and Mr. Mahesh Patel are playing pure politics, no expatriates in PNG should play politics. They were recruited and appointed if through proper screening process on merit of appointments to manage SOEs for people of PNG and to serve the Independent State of PNG to the best of their abilities to the code of good governance they signed in 2014.
He and Mahesh Patel have seen fit not to comply with NEC – Decision No. 360/2016. This NEC –Decision resulted in the revocation of Michael Donnelly as CEO of TPNG Ltd and appointment of Mr. Moses Tendumo (national engineer) as acting – Chief Executive Officer of TPNG Ltd. Mr. Moses Tendumo never assumed his role as Acting – CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd since December of 2016. Mahesh Patel refused to allow him to take up his role as Acting –CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd. IT is so obvious and real fact that, both He and Michael Donnelly have vested interest in Telecommunication business in PNG.
Mr. Mahesh Patel as Chairman of Kumul Board has usurp and assert power of influence over the NEC-Decision No. 360/2016, not to recognize NEC-Decision in the appointment of Moses Tendumo as Acting-CEO of TPNG Ltd. In fact his decision not to comply with NEC-Decision, literally in breach of NEC-Decision, which is one of the highest decision making body in the government. At no time, should an expatriate or a foreigner be seen meddling with the decision of the government. Mahesh Patel-as Chairman of Kumul Telikom Board breach all protocol of the government. The right government which stands by its policies, should have deported Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly immediately for simply playing politics of PNG since January of 2017.
Mr. Mahesh Patel in his quest to become one of the in-fluently Board Chairman in PNG using direct politics through the office of Prime Minister and through the office of Minister for KCHL, Charles Abel has orchestrated the revocation of Mr. Moses Tendumo as Acting – CEO of TPNG Ltd as per NEC-Decision No.360/2016 and instead came up with a new submission paper to have NEC-to reappoint Michael Donnelly as CEO of TPNG to continue his another three year term. Refer to copy of NEC – Decision 44/2017, which indicates CEO of TPNG is to remain to serve out his full term. This is a rhetoric lie, Chairman and CEO; both are down in Australia to renew working permit for Michael Donnelly to be re-appointed as CEO of TPNG Ltd which the Union with its members, staff and Management of TPNG refuse to have him reappointed after running the company down very badly since 2014.
Both NEC-Decisions, Decision No. 360/2016 and Decision No. 44/2017 are not the doing of Prime Minister, nor Minister, Charles Abel. Union is reliably informed that, Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly are the perpetrators of these NEC-Decisions. Media has widely published that its NEC-Decision to merge the three teleco companies, but in actual facts, the ‘BIG PLAYERS ARE EXPATRITAES BEHINED THE SCENSES’ doing all the bidding and merging of all State Assets, so that they can have huge slice of cake and control direct shares into these companies. A day light robbery, denying 8.5 million people of PNG.
Since 20th December, 2016, up to this date and month of March, 2017; there is no CEO appointed to lead TPNG. Instead, Mahesh Patel assume his dual role as Chairman of Kumul Telikom Board as per NEC –Decision No.44/2017 and also micro managing TPNG as CEO as he always did when he was yet Chairman of TPNG, period, 2012 to 2016.
Mahesh Patel continues to use Priscilla Salle – Manager HR in TPNG Ltd to continue issue internal memos and circular to all staff that, stating that Michael Donnelly is still the CEO, but in fact he is not since 20th December, 2016, when NEC-Decision No.360/2016 already revoked his appointment as CEO and appointed Mr. Moses Tendumo as Acting – Chief Executive Officer of TPNG Ltd. Mr. Tendumo never assumed his role as Acting –CEO of TPNG Ltd, because Mahesh Patel refused to allow him to be CEO. To this date, the position of CEO of TPNG is still vacant, while Mahesh Patel continues to micro-manage Telikom PNG Ltd.
The Union is urging Department of Labour & Employment Division to take this as quite serious, Mahesh Patel and Michael Donnelly (both expatriates are playing pure politics). For Michael Donnelly, his work permit must not be allowed for approval nor given a stamp of approval by the Department of Labour & Employment Division.
He has not, and he continues not willing to work with any national executive managers, since his appointment in 2014. His colonialism attitude of ‘Big Man Mentality’ over ‘small man’ still controls his behaviour. Both him and Mahesh Patel, are anti-unionist, they refuse to negotiate or work with the Union. Union has no part in the overall management of Telikom PNG Ltd under their leadership. In the past, Union had no problem working with Telikom Management under national leadership, both at Board level and with CEO’s office.
For the government of the day, what Chairman and CEO will tell them is this, Oh!,.. we have open door policy in Telikom PNG Ltd, Union are most welcome to meet with us for any talks or negotiations. But this is only a fuss, when in reality; they don’t live by what they speak out of their mouth.
All are rhetoric lies, both expatriates are anti-unionist, they have no room to work with the Union. Both are selfish, arrogant, full of self-pride and don’t want to work with any nationals whom they see are smarter than them.
PNG Communication Workers Union reiterate its stand and call on Department of Labour & Employment Division for the immediate revocation of Mr. Michael Donnelly’s Work Permit and furthermore will write to Chief Migration Officer not to allow or approve visa entry of Michael Donnelly into PNG.
For public view and comment, refer to few of these hard documents as evident, proving that Mahesh Patel is the main player of mingling with politics of PNG and he is the power player and manipulator of NEC-Decisions.
All that PNG local media has been telling people of PNG since February of 2017, that National Executive Council has given a green light for the merging of three teleco companies; Telikom PNG Ltd, Bemobile and DataCo, is not at all NEC-isolated decisions; instead it’s Mahesh Patel pushing his interest through NEC. He has a vested interest in telecommunication industry in PNG. That’s why, he made his way up to be appointed Chairman of Kumul Telikom Holdings Limited, so that he can direct the traffic which way to go to suit his self-greed interest.
Proof /Evidence – 1: (Mahesh Patel in defiance to former Minister of IPBC – now KCH Ltd, not to terminate former
CEO of TPNG – Mr. Charles Litau in 2013).Proof/Evidence -2: (Mahesh Patel refusing to take heed to Telikom Chief Legal Officer – Legal Opinion, not to terminate Mr. Charles Litau)
Proof/Evidence 3: (NEC –Decision No. 360/2016 (g) revocation of the appointment of Michael Donnelly as the Chief Executive Officer of Telikom PNG Ltd with immediate effect and to appoint Moses Tendumo as Acting Chief Executive Officer of Telikom PNG Ltd pending the advertisement and recruitment of an appropriate person;)
Proof/Evidence 4: (Mahesh Patel orchestrated another NEC-Submission and came up with new NEC-Decision No:44/2017 in the revocation of Moses Tendumo as Acting Chief Executive Officer of Telikom PNG Ltd and to retain Michael Donnelly to serve his full term as CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd)
Proof/Evidence 5: (Michael Donnelly as CEO of Telikom PNG Ltd, engaging his wife: Serah D. Donnelly to carrying out health awareness & safety programs amongst Telikom staff throughout the country on Telikom expenses, when she is not a legally registered member of the ‘Nursing Council of PNG and in breaching Nursing Council code of practise’. She has no valid work permit to be employed in Telikom PNG Ltd).
Proof/Evidence 6: (Mahesh Patel and CEO – Michael Donnelly, both expatriates introduced ‘Spill & Fill’ new foreign concept of Redundancy in Telikom PNG Ltd in March/April of 2015, resulted in forced retrenchment of some 300 plus well qualified staff to vacate their job employment without their will and consent to leave the company. Spill & Fill ‘is not consistent with Labour Laws of PNG’. In fact Spill & Fill was a concept introduced in Australia by former Minister for Communications – Mr. Malcom Turnbull who is now Prime Minister of Australia. Spill & Fill was vigorously opposed by ‘Public Sector Unions’ in Australia and including ‘wider Community’ there, reason being, why introducing a new concept; when Australia Labour Laws have been there as safe guarantee for all their workers for centuries?,…
The Union also urges the executive government and its agencies to warn and caution Mr. Mahesh Patel not to mingle with or play pure politics in PNG. If he continues to do so, he has to be immediately deported out from PNG. Both expatriates have done considerable damage to Telikom PNG Ltd. Both don’t deserve to be living and working in PNG.