STEP BACK MENTALLY AND CONSIDER FOR A MOMENT WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT IS DOING IN THE NAME OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT: They have opened the door to every Tom, Dick and Harry foreign invader to come into the country. Too many are worthless carpetbaggers smelling the prospects of big profits for their pockets and not giving a damn about PNG or its peoples. The reason why we attract so many unscrupulous investors is because our country is, overall, a poor investment prospect in terms of high risk. Yes, high profits, but only if you get around all the risks.
The government acts like the Supreme Pamuk in dealing with foreign investment and foreign investments. There is a story from the early 2000s when InterOil came sniffing around PNG and had a meeting with Mining and Petroleum Engineer department top cats. The InterOil representatives apparently were neither polite nor tolerant of melanesian niceties. They got straight to the point and said, you either do things the InterOil way and give us what we want or we'll go out the door right now and invest our money elsewhere.
What InterOil wanted from the Morauta government was a 30 year agreement whereby InterOil could get its raw petroleum for processing in its refinery either from Singapore or from PNG itself (the Kutubu Oil fields) but the PNG government would allow them to charge for the finished diesel, petrol, and kero products as if the oil had come from Singapore. What that meant was a tremendous boost in profits on the backs of the people of PNG when InterOil started getting its oil from Kikori-Kutubu. It still charged the people of PNG an imaginary freight cost as if the oil were actually coming from Singapore.
The Morauta government gave InterOil this horrible concession. In effect, the PNG government dropped its panties, spread its legs to InterOil, then asked, "how do you want it".
Any country whose national leaders and government bureaucrats act like beggars to the carpetbagger investors of the world are treated like dirt. You and I know that's true. It is simple human nature. But the Peter O'Neill's of our country must enjoy playing the pamuk role so much that they would never dare walk over to the door and tell the foreign investor, "bye bye!". Peter O'Neill would never tell a foreign investor what he essentially has told the people of PNG over and over with his policies - kiss me where the sun don't shine.
With the Chinese, we have the worst of all possible investor nightmares. We aren't dealing with a bunch of independent private countries. Nearly all the Chinese investors are owned by the Chinese government. They are State Owned Business Arms. InterOil never could have relied on the CIA to help them secure business in PNG, nor secret agents to bribe, threaten or otherwise ensure that their business interests were served. Yes, the multi-nationals are more capable of these kinds of games, but ExxonMobil, oftentimes ranked as the largest company in the world, can't even begin to measure up to what the Chinese government is capable of in terms of vicious competitiveness to get what the want from PNG at the price they want.
China has way more than 1 billion people these days. Those people are mostly impoverished and getting impatient for development, much more so than PNG. The Chinese Government has to satisfy.
For the Chinese to develop, they could literally suck PNG dry of all our resources. Of course, the stupid government and the stupider people of our country welcome all of this, thinking only of the short term money. They don't think for a minute that China gets nearly all the benefits from our raw resources, including the creation of literally millions of jobs created by the processing of our resources. China gets all that development from PNG resources. Not PNG.
Dora Lu is willing to spread her legs to serve her Chinese government masters because of the high stakes involved. China wants everything we have and is determined to get it, yet Peter O'Neill so naively goes to China (or maybe he had some secret personal business deals going on?) hoping he can get them to buy more of PNG's fresh produce.
Give us a break!
The Chinese are going to strip our country naked of resources and Peter O'Neill is going to help pull off our clothing of forests and reefs to help them commit the rape of Papua New Guinea.
STEP BACK MENTALLY AND CONSIDER FOR A MOMENT WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT IS DOING IN THE NAME OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT: They have opened the door to every Tom, Dick and Harry foreign invader to come into the country. Too many are worthless carpetbaggers smelling the prospects of big profits for their pockets and not giving a damn about PNG or its peoples. The reason why we attract so many unscrupulous investors is because our country is, overall, a poor investment prospect in terms of high risk. Yes, high profits, but only if you get around all the risks.
The government acts like the Supreme Pamuk in dealing with foreign investment and foreign investments. There is a story from the early 2000s when InterOil came sniffing around PNG and had a meeting with Mining and Petroleum Engineer department top cats. The InterOil representatives apparently were neither polite nor tolerant of melanesian niceties. They got straight to the point and said, you either do things the InterOil way and give us what we want or we'll go out the door right now and invest our money elsewhere.
What InterOil wanted from the Morauta government was a 30 year agreement whereby InterOil could get its raw petroleum for processing in its refinery either from Singapore or from PNG itself (the Kutubu Oil fields) but the PNG government would allow them to charge for the finished diesel, petrol, and kero products as if the oil had come from Singapore. What that meant was a tremendous boost in profits on the backs of the people of PNG when InterOil started getting its oil from Kikori-Kutubu. It still charged the people of PNG an imaginary freight cost as if the oil were actually coming from Singapore.
The Morauta government gave InterOil this horrible concession. In effect, the PNG government dropped its panties, spread its legs to InterOil, then asked, "how do you want it".
Any country whose national leaders and government bureaucrats act like beggars to the carpetbagger investors of the world are treated like dirt. You and I know that's true. It is simple human nature. But the Peter O'Neill's of our country must enjoy playing the pamuk role so much that they would never dare walk over to the door and tell the foreign investor, "bye bye!". Peter O'Neill would never tell a foreign investor what he essentially has told the people of PNG over and over with his policies - kiss me where the sun don't shine.
With the Chinese, we have the worst of all possible investor nightmares. We aren't dealing with a bunch of independent private countries. Nearly all the Chinese investors are owned by the Chinese government. They are State Owned Business Arms. InterOil never could have relied on the CIA to help them secure business in PNG, nor secret agents to bribe, threaten or otherwise ensure that their business interests were served. Yes, the multi-nationals are more capable of these kinds of games, but ExxonMobil, oftentimes ranked as the largest company in the world, can't even begin to measure up to what the Chinese government is capable of in terms of vicious competitiveness to get what the want from PNG at the price they want.
China has way more than 1 billion people these days. Those people are mostly impoverished and getting impatient for development, much more so than PNG. The Chinese Government has to satisfy.
For the Chinese to develop, they could literally suck PNG dry of all our resources. Of course, the stupid government and the stupider people of our country welcome all of this, thinking only of the short term money. They don't think for a minute that China gets nearly all the benefits from our raw resources, including the creation of literally millions of jobs created by the processing of our resources. China gets all that development from PNG resources. Not PNG.
Dora Lu is willing to spread her legs to serve her Chinese government masters because of the high stakes involved. China wants everything we have and is determined to get it, yet Peter O'Neill so naively goes to China (or maybe he had some secret personal business deals going on?) hoping he can get them to buy more of PNG's fresh produce.
Give us a break!
The Chinese are going to strip our country naked of resources and Peter O'Neill is going to help pull off our clothing of forests and reefs to help them commit the rape of Papua New Guinea.