JUSTIN TKATCHENKO Moresby South MP and a senior Minister in Peter O'Neill government has an Australian property portfolio well over K8 Million in value. Previously we have looked at two properties which are on record after submissions were made to the Brisbane City Council for redevelopment to a property in Brookfield area of Brisbane. The Brookfield property is valued at $AUD 1.7MILLION and was bought by CATHERINE JANE TKATCHENKO, Justin's "wife". The property was purchased in NOVEMBER 2015. The address used to purchase this property is 10 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069.
According to Queensland property records, Justin and Catherine purchased two houses on Cubberla Street, number 10 and 12. Information shown here on records made available to us show that the property on 12 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069 lists JUSTIN WAYNE TKATCHENKO as the owner while looking up the property at BROOKFIELD you find the owner as CATHERINE JANE TKATCHENKO of 10 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069.So they own both properties, we could not get the value of 10 Cubberla Street but if the value on number 12 is in the vicinity of 1.1 Million dollars you are looking at another property in a prime Brisbane suburb and it could well be in over 1.1-2 Million in value for number 12.
The TKACHENKO Family made another purchase in November last year. they spent well over K1.3 Million Kina or AUD$550,000.00 for the property listed on 66 Gem Road in the Brisbane suburb of Kenmore. The settlement date for this property was on the 13th of January this year. The property is again listed under CATHERINE JANE TKATCHENKO of 10 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069. Looking again at all the properties owned by the TKACHENKO family and putting a Kina figure to it you come at K8.1 Million (excludes property at 12 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069). A total value to all the properties will be close to K10 MILLION.
The question voters in Moresby South and Papua New Guinea ask would be who is JUSTIN TKATCHENKO? Whose interest is he serving, yes he contributes peanuts to your social games, your haus krai, your little fireworks, buys new vehicles for your church, talks tough about corruption but development taking place in the Port Moresby in the leadup to the Pacific Games were bound to happen, the capital has no choice but to put money into capital works around the city's 3 electorates, you see that in every capital city of the world anyone in that seat could have done the same at a significant time. But the secrecy to hide his abuse of public monies to buy properties in Australia should be questioned. Why has he not revealed this in public. Is this a last ditch effort to salvage what he dishonestly earned in the even he loses out in returning as MP and becomes a 1 term MP?
JUSTIN TKATCHENKO is not a fit and proper person to be an MP, let alone a government Minister, given his history of unanswered fraud allegations.
Parliament’s own Accounts Committee and special investigations at the National Capital District have both thrown up detailed allegations of corruption while one criminal prosecution against Tkatchenko was dropped in circumstances questioned by the National Court.
In 2010 it was alleged Tkatchenko received over K3 million in payments from the National Capital District through his landscaping companies Kitoro No.33 and PNG Gardner. It is claimed these payments, were authorised by NCDC Governor Powes Parkop in breach of the Public Finance Management Act, the NCDC Act and the Organic Law on the Leadership Code.
The payments, which were made for work on the NCDC Mini Park, Water Fountain, Waterslide and Zoo and Animal Farm, were made with no quotations provided and no public tendering process – breaching the fundamental principles of value for money, transparency, effective competition, fair and ethical dealing and efficiency.
But the allegations against Tkatchenko go back much further. In 1999 a Special Investigation into Fraud, Corruption and Financial Mismanagement at the National Capital District Commission, done by TSK International, found that Justin Tkatchenko as Acting City Administrator had fraudulently obtained a total of K12,000 through two cheques in the sums of K4,000 and K8,000.
The investigation concluded “Mr Tkatchenko had dishonestly applied the monies to his own use”.
Although the police did investigate these allegations and criminal charges were laid a Magistrate dismissed the case before it got to trial – a decision that was later heavily criticized in the National Court. Indeed when Tkatchenko then sued the police alleging malicious prosecution and false imprisonment Justice Salika not only dismissed the case brought by Tkatchenko he described it as “frivolous and vexatious”. Salika found there was plenty of evidence to justify the charges against Tkatchenko and that it “is a wonder to this Court” why the Magistrate dismissed the case.
In 2003 the Parliamentary Accounts Committee was asked by Parliament to conduct an investigation into alleged corruption in the Parliamentary Service. The Committee submitted its report in September 2003 after summonsing witnesses and hearing evidence given on oath.
The PAC investigation found Justin Tkatchenko company Kitoro No.33 was awarded a K1.5 million contract to maintain parliamentary gardens, in breach of procurement procedure. The Kitoro tender was received 3 months AFTER the closing date. The tender submitted was only for twelve months but a three year contract was awarded. The original contract amount of K490,000 was K190,000 above the limit imposed by the Public Finance Management Act. The lowest bid for the project tender was just K12,000 per year. Kitoro was awarded contract totaling K837,738 that did not go to public tender.
The PAC recommended the contracts with Kitoro No.33 be terminated immediately and the officers responsible for the tendering, awarding and executing of the contract face ‘appropriate action’.
- PROPERTY VALUE AT $1.7 MILLION(AUD) - 15 Upper Brookfield Rd
- PROPERTY VALUE AT $555,000(AUD) 66 Gem Road, Kenmore
JUSTIN TKATCHENKO Moresby South MP and a senior Minister in Peter O'Neill government has an Australian property portfolio well over K8 Million in value. Previously we have looked at two properties which are on record after submissions were made to the Brisbane City Council for redevelopment to a property in Brookfield area of Brisbane. The Brookfield property is valued at $AUD 1.7MILLION and was bought by CATHERINE JANE TKATCHENKO, Justin's "wife". The property was purchased in NOVEMBER 2015. The address used to purchase this property is 10 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069.
According to Queensland property records, Justin and Catherine purchased two houses on Cubberla Street, number 10 and 12. Information shown here on records made available to us show that the property on 12 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069 lists JUSTIN WAYNE TKATCHENKO as the owner while looking up the property at BROOKFIELD you find the owner as CATHERINE JANE TKATCHENKO of 10 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069.So they own both properties, we could not get the value of 10 Cubberla Street but if the value on number 12 is in the vicinity of 1.1 Million dollars you are looking at another property in a prime Brisbane suburb and it could well be in over 1.1-2 Million in value for number 12.
The TKACHENKO Family made another purchase in November last year. they spent well over K1.3 Million Kina or AUD$550,000.00 for the property listed on 66 Gem Road in the Brisbane suburb of Kenmore. The settlement date for this property was on the 13th of January this year. The property is again listed under CATHERINE JANE TKATCHENKO of 10 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069. Looking again at all the properties owned by the TKACHENKO family and putting a Kina figure to it you come at K8.1 Million (excludes property at 12 Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069). A total value to all the properties will be close to K10 MILLION.
The question voters in Moresby South and Papua New Guinea ask would be who is JUSTIN TKATCHENKO? Whose interest is he serving, yes he contributes peanuts to your social games, your haus krai, your little fireworks, buys new vehicles for your church, talks tough about corruption but development taking place in the Port Moresby in the leadup to the Pacific Games were bound to happen, the capital has no choice but to put money into capital works around the city's 3 electorates, you see that in every capital city of the world anyone in that seat could have done the same at a significant time. But the secrecy to hide his abuse of public monies to buy properties in Australia should be questioned. Why has he not revealed this in public. Is this a last ditch effort to salvage what he dishonestly earned in the even he loses out in returning as MP and becomes a 1 term MP?
JUSTIN TKATCHENKO is not a fit and proper person to be an MP, let alone a government Minister, given his history of unanswered fraud allegations.
Parliament’s own Accounts Committee and special investigations at the National Capital District have both thrown up detailed allegations of corruption while one criminal prosecution against Tkatchenko was dropped in circumstances questioned by the National Court.
In 2010 it was alleged Tkatchenko received over K3 million in payments from the National Capital District through his landscaping companies Kitoro No.33 and PNG Gardner. It is claimed these payments, were authorised by NCDC Governor Powes Parkop in breach of the Public Finance Management Act, the NCDC Act and the Organic Law on the Leadership Code.
The payments, which were made for work on the NCDC Mini Park, Water Fountain, Waterslide and Zoo and Animal Farm, were made with no quotations provided and no public tendering process – breaching the fundamental principles of value for money, transparency, effective competition, fair and ethical dealing and efficiency.
But the allegations against Tkatchenko go back much further. In 1999 a Special Investigation into Fraud, Corruption and Financial Mismanagement at the National Capital District Commission, done by TSK International, found that Justin Tkatchenko as Acting City Administrator had fraudulently obtained a total of K12,000 through two cheques in the sums of K4,000 and K8,000.
The investigation concluded “Mr Tkatchenko had dishonestly applied the monies to his own use”.
Although the police did investigate these allegations and criminal charges were laid a Magistrate dismissed the case before it got to trial – a decision that was later heavily criticized in the National Court. Indeed when Tkatchenko then sued the police alleging malicious prosecution and false imprisonment Justice Salika not only dismissed the case brought by Tkatchenko he described it as “frivolous and vexatious”. Salika found there was plenty of evidence to justify the charges against Tkatchenko and that it “is a wonder to this Court” why the Magistrate dismissed the case.
In 2003 the Parliamentary Accounts Committee was asked by Parliament to conduct an investigation into alleged corruption in the Parliamentary Service. The Committee submitted its report in September 2003 after summonsing witnesses and hearing evidence given on oath.
The PAC investigation found Justin Tkatchenko company Kitoro No.33 was awarded a K1.5 million contract to maintain parliamentary gardens, in breach of procurement procedure. The Kitoro tender was received 3 months AFTER the closing date. The tender submitted was only for twelve months but a three year contract was awarded. The original contract amount of K490,000 was K190,000 above the limit imposed by the Public Finance Management Act. The lowest bid for the project tender was just K12,000 per year. Kitoro was awarded contract totaling K837,738 that did not go to public tender.
The PAC recommended the contracts with Kitoro No.33 be terminated immediately and the officers responsible for the tendering, awarding and executing of the contract face ‘appropriate action’.
Its now up to the you the people of Moresby South to make a right decision.