But when we look at what we have allowed to happen, we have to admit that We Are Cowards, We Are Accomplices!
Justin Tkatchenko has Lied about his Citizenship, is a thief of Tax credit and still has become our Parliament Member, our Sports and National Events Minister and even our face to the world as the Minister for APEC!
Several IRC, IPA records are attached for you to read and judge and you can logon to IPA, IRC to confirm it: system records are undeniable!
His company PNG Gardener (Kitoro No.33 Ltd) was removed 4 times by IPA due to failure to renew since 1990, we rewarded his company 100 millions Kina in government contracts. As a shareholder and director, he never registered himself as a taxpayer, he never declared his income tax, and the worst of the worst, he stole K670,000.00 in tax credit from another company to pay his own tax debt. HE IS A THIEF! Our very senior IRC officers helped him.
His cronies ran over our poor helpless people outside his house, trying to collect monies owed to them, he had a helpless settler abused and jailed for resisting being filmed in his home and our policemen helped him!
How can this happen and we are his Accomplices!
A simple Tax Search showed unexpected shocking records revealing a serious crime: A Tax credit thief! IRC Commissioner asked: how you get such information? The answer is: This is God’s Will! Justin is a Thief, God revealed this to us!
How many charges have been filed against him? Many! We helped him hide, grow fat and hold power. We helped him getting more and more ruthless and lawless! He is a criminal, he is a hungry vampire and dirty jackal!
Lady Ni Yumei, the most powerful and successful business woman, who also calls herself "wife" of Prime Minister Peter O'Neill, is very well known by us. Some of us have been “lucky to enjoy” her disgusting yelling and shouting, because we are stupid and poorer, small! Some of us will never forget her boasting: “if I call some Members of Parliament, Ministers or government officers, or police commanders, they will all crawling to me like Dogs”
Since 2012, her company L&A Construction Ltd got hundreds of millions in government contracts, some were never Tendered, and some didn’t have any work done, but payments were still made by the government.
What a lucky Lady! How fortunate is PNG!
When trying to do a tax search on her, every IRC counter officer would confirm to you that she never registered as a Taxpayer. IRC has no record of her. Of course, she never declared her income and never paid any one Kina to IRC in personal income tax! By the way, you also will find out that L&A has over K17,000,000.00 outstanding salary tax debt!
Justin Tkatchenko, the most trusted and protected Minister of Prime Minister and Lady Ni, wife/mistress of PM, PNG’s most powerful successful business woman are no strangers to us! We feed them so well and they are getting fat and fatter! In their eyes, PNG is their paradise without laws and regulations!
They all boast on how splendid their Palaces and properties in Australia and you can visit to PNGBLOGS to enjoy their glories! You will not be disappointed!
Our teachers are crying for their wages, our policemen fight for their allowances, many of us endure delayed fortnight pay, we are always worried on being able to buy our food, and keeping our kids at school! Why and how they can collect millions of Kina so easily? How can the send hundred of millions of Kina out of PNG without paying one toea in tax? Even they can steal other companies tax credits to pay their tax debt! How and why can this happen?
We watch them robbing and corroding our country and our government, through cruelty and madness! They manipulate and control the courts, police, media, treasury, government is their playground! It is rare for us to put efforts to stop them and most of us helped them, directly or indirectly by doing nothing! There are several true warriors fighting them, such as Sam Koi and his Task Force team! We all know the sad end of these warriors, they were disbanded by these crooks and abandoned by us! We are ruled through our fears! We helped them to create those fears!
This is an amazing story! We all played our roles, we all helped them to bully and rob us, our country our people! We have become Cowards and Accomplices!
Can we be little bit brave to say No? Can we unite to Stop them! Papua New Guinea, our country, the beautiful paradise, is so blessed by God beauty, rich resources and the kindest people in this world! Now this country, this nation is bleeding, it is dying! Without law without integrity without pride, where can we stand? Where is our future?
This is an amazing story! We all played our roles, we all helped them to bully and rob us, our country our people! We have become Cowards and Accomplices!
Can we be little bit brave to say No? Can we unite to Stop them! Papua New Guinea, our country, the beautiful paradise, is so blessed by God beauty, rich resources and the kindest people in this world! Now this country, this nation is bleeding, it is dying! Without law without integrity without pride, where can we stand? Where is our future?
Look at the famous "Star Mountain Hotel" project. Total cost will be 1.2billion Kina(1,200million, costs 3 times more than Stanley Hotel), 400 hundred rooms, apartments and Vision City. If 100% occupancy, income is about 100 Millions, it even cannot cover loan interest, how can it make profit?
Our NEC approved it and invested 350 million Kina, and mortgaged it to bank. Simply robbed landowners heritage and when it fails to pay bank loan interest, everything will be taken away by the bank, only billion kina debt left to the locals!
Yeah, Heartless and shameless! They just did it, did it to our innocent, poorly educated, but well intended local landowners!
But we are educated, we know this is just a bloody robbery and the victims are our people! And we know that they will not stop! They are not just Criminals, they are hungry vampires!
We are Judges, lawyers, police officers, we are IPA, IRC, Justice department, foreign affairs, NCDC government officers and employees and we have the duty to bring Justice back, to re-build our reputation and re-store our dignity!
We need to unite and work together, for our mothers sake, We are not Cowards, we are not Accomplices, we are brave and strong enough to stop this lawless and ruthless crimes!
Sadly, we just learned that an IRC officer was suspended for just doing his job in helping clients to do tax search! Actually, he never knew that Minister Justin is a tax credit thief, how could he know? There are half a million company files there! God broke this criminal secret to us!
So, let's see what Justin Tkatchenko is doing now? During an interview with LOOPPNG, he kept lying and said he had lodged all tax returns to IPA, (-- haha, we all know that Tax declarations are made at IRC, not IPA, our Minister is very cute to lodge his Tax to IPA), Justin avoided to answer the fact that he Stole other company's tax credit/money of K670,000.00. He accused people of just trying to damage his reputation. What reputation? Unfortunately for him the IRC Commissioner has not denied that the records are all true! The records we are seeing are true tax search records from IRC! The system records are undeniable, just like your bank account statement! You can go to IRC to confirm by yourself!
But compare to the quick suspension of that poor IRC staff, Our Commissioner might be busy to cover Justin's asshole! Continually our leaders become his puppets and Accomplices? We hope she will not, she is a Papua New Guinea and she’s got power to do the right thing! Madam, please do some right thing to save our future!
Jesus, does Justin have any merit and dignity left? He just brushes aside the evidence of his stealing and cheating, because he is busy campaigning in the election. He said he needs one more term! My God, what will be left for PNG if that happens?
We are good people, we know we still have consciousness in our hearts, we know what's happened and what is happening! We are just scared! Actually
But when we look at what we have allowed to happen, we have to admit that We Are Cowards, We Are Accomplices!
Justin Tkatchenko has Lied about his Citizenship, is a thief of Tax credit and still has become our Parliament Member, our Sports and National Events Minister and even our face to the world as the Minister for APEC!
Several IRC, IPA records are attached for you to read and judge and you can logon to IPA, IRC to confirm it: system records are undeniable!
His company PNG Gardener (Kitoro No.33 Ltd) was removed 4 times by IPA due to failure to renew since 1990, we rewarded his company 100 millions Kina in government contracts. As a shareholder and director, he never registered himself as a taxpayer, he never declared his income tax, and the worst of the worst, he stole K670,000.00 in tax credit from another company to pay his own tax debt. HE IS A THIEF! Our very senior IRC officers helped him.
His cronies ran over our poor helpless people outside his house, trying to collect monies owed to them, he had a helpless settler abused and jailed for resisting being filmed in his home and our policemen helped him!
How can this happen and we are his Accomplices!
A simple Tax Search showed unexpected shocking records revealing a serious crime: A Tax credit thief! IRC Commissioner asked: how you get such information? The answer is: This is God’s Will! Justin is a Thief, God revealed this to us!
How many charges have been filed against him? Many! We helped him hide, grow fat and hold power. We helped him getting more and more ruthless and lawless! He is a criminal, he is a hungry vampire and dirty jackal!
Lady Ni Yumei, the most powerful and successful business woman, who also calls herself "wife" of Prime Minister Peter O'Neill, is very well known by us. Some of us have been “lucky to enjoy” her disgusting yelling and shouting, because we are stupid and poorer, small! Some of us will never forget her boasting: “if I call some Members of Parliament, Ministers or government officers, or police commanders, they will all crawling to me like Dogs”
Since 2012, her company L&A Construction Ltd got hundreds of millions in government contracts, some were never Tendered, and some didn’t have any work done, but payments were still made by the government.
What a lucky Lady! How fortunate is PNG!
When trying to do a tax search on her, every IRC counter officer would confirm to you that she never registered as a Taxpayer. IRC has no record of her. Of course, she never declared her income and never paid any one Kina to IRC in personal income tax! By the way, you also will find out that L&A has over K17,000,000.00 outstanding salary tax debt!
Justin Tkatchenko, the most trusted and protected Minister of Prime Minister and Lady Ni, wife/mistress of PM, PNG’s most powerful successful business woman are no strangers to us! We feed them so well and they are getting fat and fatter! In their eyes, PNG is their paradise without laws and regulations!
They all boast on how splendid their Palaces and properties in Australia and you can visit to PNGBLOGS to enjoy their glories! You will not be disappointed!
Our teachers are crying for their wages, our policemen fight for their allowances, many of us endure delayed fortnight pay, we are always worried on being able to buy our food, and keeping our kids at school! Why and how they can collect millions of Kina so easily? How can the send hundred of millions of Kina out of PNG without paying one toea in tax? Even they can steal other companies tax credits to pay their tax debt! How and why can this happen?
We watch them robbing and corroding our country and our government, through cruelty and madness! They manipulate and control the courts, police, media, treasury, government is their playground! It is rare for us to put efforts to stop them and most of us helped them, directly or indirectly by doing nothing! There are several true warriors fighting them, such as Sam Koi and his Task Force team! We all know the sad end of these warriors, they were disbanded by these crooks and abandoned by us! We are ruled through our fears! We helped them to create those fears!
This is an amazing story! We all played our roles, we all helped them to bully and rob us, our country our people! We have become Cowards and Accomplices!
Can we be little bit brave to say No? Can we unite to Stop them! Papua New Guinea, our country, the beautiful paradise, is so blessed by God beauty, rich resources and the kindest people in this world! Now this country, this nation is bleeding, it is dying! Without law without integrity without pride, where can we stand? Where is our future?
This is an amazing story! We all played our roles, we all helped them to bully and rob us, our country our people! We have become Cowards and Accomplices!
Can we be little bit brave to say No? Can we unite to Stop them! Papua New Guinea, our country, the beautiful paradise, is so blessed by God beauty, rich resources and the kindest people in this world! Now this country, this nation is bleeding, it is dying! Without law without integrity without pride, where can we stand? Where is our future?
Look at the famous "Star Mountain Hotel" project. Total cost will be 1.2billion Kina(1,200million, costs 3 times more than Stanley Hotel), 400 hundred rooms, apartments and Vision City. If 100% occupancy, income is about 100 Millions, it even cannot cover loan interest, how can it make profit?
Our NEC approved it and invested 350 million Kina, and mortgaged it to bank. Simply robbed landowners heritage and when it fails to pay bank loan interest, everything will be taken away by the bank, only billion kina debt left to the locals!
Yeah, Heartless and shameless! They just did it, did it to our innocent, poorly educated, but well intended local landowners!
But we are educated, we know this is just a bloody robbery and the victims are our people! And we know that they will not stop! They are not just Criminals, they are hungry vampires!
We are Judges, lawyers, police officers, we are IPA, IRC, Justice department, foreign affairs, NCDC government officers and employees and we have the duty to bring Justice back, to re-build our reputation and re-store our dignity!
We need to unite and work together, for our mothers sake, We are not Cowards, we are not Accomplices, we are brave and strong enough to stop this lawless and ruthless crimes!
Sadly, we just learned that an IRC officer was suspended for just doing his job in helping clients to do tax search! Actually, he never knew that Minister Justin is a tax credit thief, how could he know? There are half a million company files there! God broke this criminal secret to us!
So, let's see what Justin Tkatchenko is doing now? During an interview with LOOPPNG, he kept lying and said he had lodged all tax returns to IPA, (-- haha, we all know that Tax declarations are made at IRC, not IPA, our Minister is very cute to lodge his Tax to IPA), Justin avoided to answer the fact that he Stole other company's tax credit/money of K670,000.00. He accused people of just trying to damage his reputation. What reputation? Unfortunately for him the IRC Commissioner has not denied that the records are all true! The records we are seeing are true tax search records from IRC! The system records are undeniable, just like your bank account statement! You can go to IRC to confirm by yourself!
But compare to the quick suspension of that poor IRC staff, Our Commissioner might be busy to cover Justin's asshole! Continually our leaders become his puppets and Accomplices? We hope she will not, she is a Papua New Guinea and she’s got power to do the right thing! Madam, please do some right thing to save our future!
Jesus, does Justin have any merit and dignity left? He just brushes aside the evidence of his stealing and cheating, because he is busy campaigning in the election. He said he needs one more term! My God, what will be left for PNG if that happens?
We are good people, we know we still have consciousness in our hearts, we know what's happened and what is happening! We are just scared! Actually