by Laken Lepatu Aigilo
At my Mother's Kailam Rest House at Philikambi LLG, the Presiding Officer therein Mr. Yakopian, a public servant strongman of Peter Ipatas crossed all the votes that contained my box number (20) & put PI's box number (21). That was discovered by the Scrutineers, Counting Officials & Security Personnel present at the time.
Police looked for the said PO to arrest & charge him accordingly but he is on the run. All the 25 ballot boxes of Philikambi had been hijacked & my votes were crossed or foreign ballot papers replaced the genuine ones. This was the execution of PI's evil Election-rigging plan executed by his men spearheaded by Ringleader suspended Enga PPC George Kakas (Reported in the newspaper, allegation which he was suspended) & Deputy Ringleader ARO Mr. Tandanei plus the little demons (POs).
I must say this, which is a common knowledge in Enga, that PI had rigged the Enga Election. The Election Manager, PPC, ROs, AROs, POs to Counting Officials are PI's obvious strong supporters. In such situation wherein the very independent bodies that are responsible for delivering a 'free & fair' Election are compromised in favour of a particular candidate, do you expect a 'free & fair Election'? NO!, Enga Election was rigged by PI! 80% of PI's votes are not legitimate.
This PI's election rigging evil syndicate played evil again at the counting room wherein they did selective-counting to give an early lead to PI & his PNC Candidates. About 80 of my base boxes are yet to be counted leaving me trailing behind all candidates so as Don Polye's 21 base boxes leaving him trailing behind his rival Alfred Manase. Now, when it came to the remaining boxes, the said evil-syndicate refused to count same alleging they were illegal but the boxes that were already counted are either hijacked or tempered with, where is the logic?
The query was presented to the Electoral Commissioner & in a written letter, EC ordered counting of all remaining boxes. A team of the said evil-syndicate tried to destroy the boxes thereafter but they failed. The evil-syndicate then planned to destroy the said boxes at the counting through their Scrutineers the next day inside the counting room but failed again in which security personnel man-handled them.
When all else failed, they took it to the streets wherein the Kandep RO & ARO plus two Policemen & several civilians are death. Who is the cause of this problem??
At my Mother's Kailam Rest House at Philikambi LLG, the Presiding Officer therein Mr. Yakopian, a public servant strongman of Peter Ipatas crossed all the votes that contained my box number (20) & put PI's box number (21). That was discovered by the Scrutineers, Counting Officials & Security Personnel present at the time.
Police looked for the said PO to arrest & charge him accordingly but he is on the run. All the 25 ballot boxes of Philikambi had been hijacked & my votes were crossed or foreign ballot papers replaced the genuine ones. This was the execution of PI's evil Election-rigging plan executed by his men spearheaded by Ringleader suspended Enga PPC George Kakas (Reported in the newspaper, allegation which he was suspended) & Deputy Ringleader ARO Mr. Tandanei plus the little demons (POs).
I must say this, which is a common knowledge in Enga, that PI had rigged the Enga Election. The Election Manager, PPC, ROs, AROs, POs to Counting Officials are PI's obvious strong supporters. In such situation wherein the very independent bodies that are responsible for delivering a 'free & fair' Election are compromised in favour of a particular candidate, do you expect a 'free & fair Election'? NO!, Enga Election was rigged by PI! 80% of PI's votes are not legitimate.
This PI's election rigging evil syndicate played evil again at the counting room wherein they did selective-counting to give an early lead to PI & his PNC Candidates. About 80 of my base boxes are yet to be counted leaving me trailing behind all candidates so as Don Polye's 21 base boxes leaving him trailing behind his rival Alfred Manase. Now, when it came to the remaining boxes, the said evil-syndicate refused to count same alleging they were illegal but the boxes that were already counted are either hijacked or tempered with, where is the logic?
The query was presented to the Electoral Commissioner & in a written letter, EC ordered counting of all remaining boxes. A team of the said evil-syndicate tried to destroy the boxes thereafter but they failed. The evil-syndicate then planned to destroy the said boxes at the counting through their Scrutineers the next day inside the counting room but failed again in which security personnel man-handled them.
When all else failed, they took it to the streets wherein the Kandep RO & ARO plus two Policemen & several civilians are death. Who is the cause of this problem??
We want the following be done:
1. The Enga Election be declared a failed-Election: or alternatively the following:
2. The Election Manager, ROs & PPC must be removed & replaced by impartial individuals.
3. Counting Venue at Wabag be cancelled & transferred to Mt. Hagen to avoid further inconvenience.
1. The Enga Election be declared a failed-Election: or alternatively the following:
2. The Election Manager, ROs & PPC must be removed & replaced by impartial individuals.
3. Counting Venue at Wabag be cancelled & transferred to Mt. Hagen to avoid further inconvenience.