Prime Minister Peter O'Neil got his K220 million cut from Hebou Construction owner Constantino for awarding him the K600 million Reuben Taureka highway (formerly Magi highway) in the Central province.
That money was being used at Alotau Camp to buy off candidates to join PNC. This K600 million was a loan drawn out from BSP to upgrade this portion of the road. As Constantino being the owner of Hebou Construction and chairman of BSP bank, he approved this loan.
The Hebou Contractor sealed off less than 500 meters of the road for this massive K600 million loan money extracted from BSP. Someone with common sense would question whether the upgrade of such road with such kilometres cost more than half a billion kina of tax payers’ money?
From this K600 million contracts allocated to Constantino, he gave back K220 million to Peter O’Neill.
To cover up investigation as to how this K220 million came into Peter O’Neill’s bank account, he presented a signed document to the bank stating that, that money was the payment for the Sale of his airline company- The SouthWest Air to Hebou Construction.
But we have seen South West Air picking up independent candidates like Patrick Thomas and Manase Makiba at Mendi airport to Port Moresby and then to Alotau. PM still owns SouthWest Air and it was in fact never sold to Hebou Construction. That K220 million deposited onto his account was his cut for this K600 million kina awarded to Hebou Construction.
PM is playing crook technique to hang into power but nature will one day take its own course. This money was withdrawn from BSP when the polling was underway three weeks ago. And that money was in Alotau buying off candidates who join the camp.
One would wonder why some independents candidates after defeating a PNC candidate join again the PNC camp. That is because they were being offered bribes of up to K5 Million. After spending much money and resource in their election, this is the only fastest and quick way of recouping their money from Peter O'Neill.
Prime Minister Peter O'Neil got his K220 million cut from Hebou Construction owner Constantino for awarding him the K600 million Reuben Taureka highway (formerly Magi highway) in the Central province.
That money was being used at Alotau Camp to buy off candidates to join PNC. This K600 million was a loan drawn out from BSP to upgrade this portion of the road. As Constantino being the owner of Hebou Construction and chairman of BSP bank, he approved this loan.
The Hebou Contractor sealed off less than 500 meters of the road for this massive K600 million loan money extracted from BSP. Someone with common sense would question whether the upgrade of such road with such kilometres cost more than half a billion kina of tax payers’ money?
From this K600 million contracts allocated to Constantino, he gave back K220 million to Peter O’Neill.
To cover up investigation as to how this K220 million came into Peter O’Neill’s bank account, he presented a signed document to the bank stating that, that money was the payment for the Sale of his airline company- The SouthWest Air to Hebou Construction.
But we have seen South West Air picking up independent candidates like Patrick Thomas and Manase Makiba at Mendi airport to Port Moresby and then to Alotau. PM still owns SouthWest Air and it was in fact never sold to Hebou Construction. That K220 million deposited onto his account was his cut for this K600 million kina awarded to Hebou Construction.
PM is playing crook technique to hang into power but nature will one day take its own course. This money was withdrawn from BSP when the polling was underway three weeks ago. And that money was in Alotau buying off candidates who join the camp.
One would wonder why some independents candidates after defeating a PNC candidate join again the PNC camp. That is because they were being offered bribes of up to K5 Million. After spending much money and resource in their election, this is the only fastest and quick way of recouping their money from Peter O'Neill.