L&A Constructions are Luciano Cragnolini, Yumei Ni Cragnolini & their strange sleeping partner & bedfellow in our one and only Peter O’Neill.
The ridiculous Parliament tiles over pebbles job is nothing compared to what other stunts they have pulled and are pulling all over the place in PNG.
Luciano & Yumei Ni Cragnolini were in the right place at the right time to do Peter O’Neill special favors when he was just a senior Minister in Somare’s Cabinet. Yumei Ni Cragnolini, in particular, saw in Peter O’Neill what her husband couldn't see. And so she is one woman who needs to be credited with having the eye to the future in that family.
These days, when her children question what she seeing in O’Neill, even O’Neill as Prime Minister is out to protect Yumei Ni’s vision of what was, what is, and what could be.There is a strange case of one of Yumei Ni’s step sons questioning Peter O'Neill deep commitment to the family a few years ago at Airways, you should have seen the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea flying into a drunken rage, a rage so hot that he reduced the poor young Master Cragnolini to a bloody pulp with his bare fists. How dare this young man make such accusations of dishonor that threatens to render the union asunder.
No, let nothing separate.
In the case of the Morauta House upgrade, a small job of putting a pressure hose to the bricks on the outside rendering of the walls, and a fresh coat of paint job ( say 1 week of scaffolding &4 weeks work at most) extended for over a year, costing the State not K300,000 or K3 Million, but well over K10 Million. But this job was in breach of the Public Finance Management Act and the Tenders Board laws. It was not tendered. Peter O’Neill just gave them the job.
But wait there's more, the job was extended subsequently to include inside renovations to the Morauta Haus. This was never part of the initial scope of works, nor the initial scope of costings. That part of the job was not even tendered again. It is Peter O’Neill giving jobs for his family business.
The question is does the Prime Minister has the power to break the laws of PNG? What exactly is the PM’s interest in the L&A Constructions as a company, and is this an appropriate relationship for the PM of this country to be having in terms of conflicts of interest?
Wait there's even more! Before the elections in 2012, L&A Constructions got another job to renovate the Port Moresby General Hospital immediately after appointing Sir George Junior Constantinou as its Chairman. This was a Prime Ministerial directive. they rendered a bill of costs of more than K6 Million which the State paid immediately, which got pumped into the PNC Party elections, and L&A Constructions got given SIRS & LADIES all around.
Someone should ask what K6 Million job exactly did L&A do at the hospital?
They did nothing! Nil! Zero!
Was the job tendered? NEVER!
No wonder L& A is growing and everyone associated in growing
An expat guy who works for L&A Constructions was boasting at a Port Moresby Bar a few years back that he works for Peter O’Neill. Asked what he does, he says he works at L& A Brick Layers.
He spoke of O’Neill glowingly. And when they need a cheque they just ask him for the money and he pays. He said Luciano does not want to touch the money. That’s Yumei Ni’s job, and she is good at it.
Listed below on popular Australian Real Estate website are lists of properties under the names of Luciano Cragnolini and Yumei Ni Cragnolini, notice how they went on a shopping spree to buy all these properties straigh after the 2012 elections. one or two before but prior to 2012, they were a struggling business,![]()
They are in the pocket of all the PNC members of Parliament. You can buy anything when you have the PM working for you.
L&A Constructions are Luciano Cragnolini, Yumei Ni Cragnolini & their strange sleeping partner & bedfellow in our one and only Peter O’Neill.
The ridiculous Parliament tiles over pebbles job is nothing compared to what other stunts they have pulled and are pulling all over the place in PNG.
Luciano & Yumei Ni Cragnolini were in the right place at the right time to do Peter O’Neill special favors when he was just a senior Minister in Somare’s Cabinet. Yumei Ni Cragnolini, in particular, saw in Peter O’Neill what her husband couldn't see. And so she is one woman who needs to be credited with having the eye to the future in that family.
These days, when her children question what she seeing in O’Neill, even O’Neill as Prime Minister is out to protect Yumei Ni’s vision of what was, what is, and what could be.There is a strange case of one of Yumei Ni’s step sons questioning Peter O'Neill deep commitment to the family a few years ago at Airways, you should have seen the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea flying into a drunken rage, a rage so hot that he reduced the poor young Master Cragnolini to a bloody pulp with his bare fists. How dare this young man make such accusations of dishonor that threatens to render the union asunder.
No, let nothing separate.
In the case of the Morauta House upgrade, a small job of putting a pressure hose to the bricks on the outside rendering of the walls, and a fresh coat of paint job ( say 1 week of scaffolding &4 weeks work at most) extended for over a year, costing the State not K300,000 or K3 Million, but well over K10 Million. But this job was in breach of the Public Finance Management Act and the Tenders Board laws. It was not tendered. Peter O’Neill just gave them the job.
But wait there's more, the job was extended subsequently to include inside renovations to the Morauta Haus. This was never part of the initial scope of works, nor the initial scope of costings. That part of the job was not even tendered again. It is Peter O’Neill giving jobs for his family business.
The question is does the Prime Minister has the power to break the laws of PNG? What exactly is the PM’s interest in the L&A Constructions as a company, and is this an appropriate relationship for the PM of this country to be having in terms of conflicts of interest?
Wait there's even more! Before the elections in 2012, L&A Constructions got another job to renovate the Port Moresby General Hospital immediately after appointing Sir George Junior Constantinou as its Chairman. This was a Prime Ministerial directive. they rendered a bill of costs of more than K6 Million which the State paid immediately, which got pumped into the PNC Party elections, and L&A Constructions got given SIRS & LADIES all around.
Someone should ask what K6 Million job exactly did L&A do at the hospital?
They did nothing! Nil! Zero!
Was the job tendered? NEVER!
No wonder L& A is growing and everyone associated in growing
An expat guy who works for L&A Constructions was boasting at a Port Moresby Bar a few years back that he works for Peter O’Neill. Asked what he does, he says he works at L& A Brick Layers.
He spoke of O’Neill glowingly. And when they need a cheque they just ask him for the money and he pays. He said Luciano does not want to touch the money. That’s Yumei Ni’s job, and she is good at it.
Listed below on popular Australian Real Estate website are lists of properties under the names of Luciano Cragnolini and Yumei Ni Cragnolini, notice how they went on a shopping spree to buy all these properties straigh after the 2012 elections. one or two before but prior to 2012, they were a struggling business,

They are in the pocket of all the PNC members of Parliament. You can buy anything when you have the PM working for you.