PNG has recently joined the few elite and prestige club of oil and gas producing countries in the world comprising of both developed ( US) and developing (South American & Arab Countries) as a significant producer of oil and gas and we as a nation should be proud of the achievement and classification of our country as such.
With the very first discovery, production and export of Kutubu and Gobe Oil and the very recent production and export of the multi-billion Kina LNG and two new LNG ( Papua and Elk & Antelope) Projects in the pipeline to be developed soon, PNG is held in high regard by both petroleum investors as well as consumers of oil and gas the world over, making it one of the best and viable hydrocarbon investment destinations in the world.
One determining factor that makes hydrocarbon investment and for that matter mineral investment in PNG more attractive is the legislative regime that governs these sectors which favors foreign investors more over the resources /landowners and the host government. While the resources are found on the country's soil and importantly the people's land, the bigger portion of the benefits of the development of these resources goes into the hands of these foreign investors who only come in with capital, skills and technology and secured markets.
PNG resources laws were carefully drafted by foreigners before independence to put the nation's resources into the hands of the foreigners and these legislations were never reviewed to revert resources ownership back into the hands of the landowners. If you dissect the legislation of mining, petroleum, forestry, fisheries and a few other natural resources laws, you'll be sick to the bones to realize that landowners who are owners of the land and sea upon which the resources are found are not regarded by the law as exclusive owners of these resources and therefore does not give them the authority to develop the resources.
The investors have become owners and suppliers of oil and gas while the government has become a rent seeker all along for the last 42 years of the country's journey as a nation. Government after government since independence have developed policies based on existing resources laws to support and protect the foreign interest in the resources sector at the expense of landowners and country's greater benefit. The government has been duped into supporting the supply side of gas only which gives in return only royalty and tax that has less impact on the economic development of the country.
The lack of development in the country despite massive investment and returns in the hydrocarbon sector only shows the inability of the government to focus on the internal demand side of oil and gas for other industries in the country to spur growth and development.
Two important considerations for the government when going into future oil and gas development negotiations are that:
(1) All energy/petroleum/gas needs of the country must be served by the development and use of these resources in the country before it is exported which will result in the low cost of energy for other industries in the country.
(2) What makes the engines and wheels of different industries move is oil and fuel and they can produce at a cheaper cost if oil and petrol inputs are sold at cheaper price from locally produced oil and gas.
I believe the impact cheaper locally produced oil and petroleum products will have on the industries and the economy will be phenomenal in bringing costs of goods and services down, spurring growth in investment and job creation, increasing cheaper export and increased government revenue.
The government should compare how much it is making from being a rent seeker in supporting the oil and gas suppliers (producers & investors ) with how much it can potentially make from supporting the demand side of oil and gas. I totally believe the latter would outdo the former overwhelmingly.
As the nation turns 43 years, the government should think anew on how best it can utilize its own resources to grow the economy in a more practical and beneficial way for PNG.