It is not fair and just for small people put to death for robbing whatever amount even K50 000.00 or less while white collar criminals (big people) stealing five million Kina and above can escape the death penalty. These Laws are totally harsh and unfair to the small people. Reality in monetary values, it is always the politicians and senior bureaucrats who steal or corrupt millions of Kina and can affort to make laws to walk away from death penalty while small people will face it.
As a nation we have to identify the real causes of the problems why someone resorts to rape? Why politicians and bureaucrats decided to corrupt? Why a poor guy decided to rob? Why a humble citizen decided to murder? Why Public Servants decided to steal people’s money? The answer boils down to one common denominator is the demand of Money.
Since death penalty is a law and money seems to be the real cause of evil, the Government by now should be responsible for its own laws by strategizing an equilibrium policy of reduction and containment of both death penalties and evil practices to strike a balance or justify the death penalty.
We proposed Nation Wealth Equal Benefit Fund (which is still sitting idle on the table of the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and he has to look into it) that is an investment scheme to empower all citizens to participate actively in the economic activities in order to benefit the wealth of this Nation directly by 7 million people individually. If this Government implement this concept at this point of time will justify the death penalty.
A real sense of responsible Government has the reason to kill citizens and citizens have the reason to accept it. Without this the Government is still irresponsible and I believe citizens sometimes sooner will demand for win-win approach.
How do you expect a country that is so rich in national resources and its population of 85% live in poverty would abide such laws when the nation wealth is not trickle down equally to them? How do you expect a country where grassroots can’t access money easily and small & medium income earners consistently confront expensive and nightmare life style would scare of such dragon laws?
Making such laws without financial incentive to empower poor citizens to overcome financial suppression will not solve this problem we face today because such situations do not warrant evil practice to be stopped. One way or the other they have to resort to access money and in the progress it resulted in the crime and consequently more small people will sentence to death penalty.
Naturally no ways in the world one will financially supress another. If it does it mean they do things outside of rule of law and more people will die before their death under this tyrant laws.
Therefore, any concerned citizens you think the Death Penalty is the way forward and also you think the government should not only impose death penalty but should put economic incentive to justify the balance for win-win approach must demand the Government to support the National Wealth Equal Benefit Funds to empower all small and grassroots people to become investors through this scheme.
It is not fair and just for small people put to death for robbing whatever amount even K50 000.00 or less while white collar criminals (big people) stealing five million Kina and above can escape the death penalty. These Laws are totally harsh and unfair to the small people. Reality in monetary values, it is always the politicians and senior bureaucrats who steal or corrupt millions of Kina and can affort to make laws to walk away from death penalty while small people will face it.
As a nation we have to identify the real causes of the problems why someone resorts to rape? Why politicians and bureaucrats decided to corrupt? Why a poor guy decided to rob? Why a humble citizen decided to murder? Why Public Servants decided to steal people’s money? The answer boils down to one common denominator is the demand of Money.
Since death penalty is a law and money seems to be the real cause of evil, the Government by now should be responsible for its own laws by strategizing an equilibrium policy of reduction and containment of both death penalties and evil practices to strike a balance or justify the death penalty.
We proposed Nation Wealth Equal Benefit Fund (which is still sitting idle on the table of the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and he has to look into it) that is an investment scheme to empower all citizens to participate actively in the economic activities in order to benefit the wealth of this Nation directly by 7 million people individually. If this Government implement this concept at this point of time will justify the death penalty.
A real sense of responsible Government has the reason to kill citizens and citizens have the reason to accept it. Without this the Government is still irresponsible and I believe citizens sometimes sooner will demand for win-win approach.
How do you expect a country that is so rich in national resources and its population of 85% live in poverty would abide such laws when the nation wealth is not trickle down equally to them? How do you expect a country where grassroots can’t access money easily and small & medium income earners consistently confront expensive and nightmare life style would scare of such dragon laws?
Making such laws without financial incentive to empower poor citizens to overcome financial suppression will not solve this problem we face today because such situations do not warrant evil practice to be stopped. One way or the other they have to resort to access money and in the progress it resulted in the crime and consequently more small people will sentence to death penalty.
Naturally no ways in the world one will financially supress another. If it does it mean they do things outside of rule of law and more people will die before their death under this tyrant laws.
Therefore, any concerned citizens you think the Death Penalty is the way forward and also you think the government should not only impose death penalty but should put economic incentive to justify the balance for win-win approach must demand the Government to support the National Wealth Equal Benefit Funds to empower all small and grassroots people to become investors through this scheme.