I am totally dumbfounded to learn that Paul Paraka Lawyers is having easy access to the print media to assassinate his opponents, or would be opponents, in the corridors of Waigani Government. The latest media front page concerning Namah, Stevens, Pato and Kua are all orchestrated by Paul Paraka and his cohorts secretly.
Why he is running these conspiracy theories with the full support and connivance of the Post Courier and the National newspapers?
• Paul Paraka knows that his days are numbered and the people who will contribute to reduce those numbers to almost nothingness are the very ones he is shooting.
• Davies Stevens was the lawyer engaged by the State to take action against Paraka when his PPL) contract was terminated by Bire Kimisopa in 2006. Stevens knows more about Paraka.
• Kerenga Kua is the current Attorney General and he would want to see Paraka hanged for good
• Rimbink also thinks adversely of Paraka who makes quick and easy money without sweating like himself when he was the lawyer
• Namah has the guts to openly expose him from the Opposition.
Do you think all these are coincidence? No, Not at all!!!!!!!!
When PPL own issues were raised both in social media and Parliament, the media was totally tight-lipped on the issue. Their excuse was a purported “Court Order” when in fact there is no court order preventing the publication of this very issue. The facts are different but they conveniently decided not to publicise.
Now the media sees fit to run front page stories, even conduct media propaganda and investigations which are in fact prejudicial to any case whatsoever that may exist against Namah, Stevens, Pato and Kua. For instance, if there was a case against Namah on the merits of it, why would some clown police officers declare it at the rooftops before conducting the investigations or even revealing it?
I said it and am saying it again:- Blaize Nangoi and Frank S Kolma knows fully well what is going on. These gentlemen pick up their commissions for doing this and time will also catch up with them. I want them to deny this and sue me for defamation.