I returned to Port Moresby this morning after addressing an ethnic clash in Madang, restoring peace and essential services that were cut off following a week of social unrest. An issue triggered by a clash between local people of Madang and street sellers.
My trip back to the Nation's Capital is to deal with a number of unfinished business including filing formal complaint with both the Ombudsman Commission and National Fraud Anti corruption Directorate against National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop over his involvement in awarding K250,000 a month contract to a foreign fitness instructor.
So it was a surprise to sight an article published by the National today, entitled "MORI: YOGA FIRM HAS HELPED MANY."
It reported Minister of Commerce and Industry Wera Mori's claiming that the foreign company, Yu Yet PNG Ltd was duly-registered and met all statutory requirements to operate in the country.
Minister of Commerce and Industry was responding to my question put him in Parliament two weeks ago, raising the issue in relation to irregularities over the company's IPA certification.
The company's sole shareholder is Ms Fazilah Bazari, a Malaysian National of Indian decent who is accused of being involved with Governor Parkop.
The IPA records confirmed that she named the Governor as a referee in her CV and more disturbingly a copy of the company's bank statement revealed that it was being funded by the NCDC before it acquired it's IPA certificate.
For some reason the Minister ignored these facts and instead claimed “despite the negativity being portrayed by the public, we must look at the successes of Yu Yet PNG.”
“It has kept a lot of young people off the streets and giving hope to those who think that they have no future, especially our young people who have migrated into the city and have participated in this programme. We, as citizens of this country, are affected by lifestyle diseases and the programme addresses some of those issues pertaining to personal health and hygiene.”
“I want to make it clear: I’m not here in defence of Governor of National Capital District (Powes Parkop),” he said.
“I like to dismiss the claims that Yumi Yet was operating illegally.
“Yes, it is a foreign entity owned by one shareholder but it has been fully registered and it has met all requirements by IPA to operate.
“It has provided services to the city of Port Moresby and it will continue to do so.”
My Response:
I wish to make it very clear to the Minister of Commerce and Industry, either you're confused or a political puppet.
Before a foreign company is issued IPA certification, it is a requirement to demonstrate that it has sufficient funds (no less than K100,000) to set up operations in PNG, and not just a start up company set up by foreign nationals to enrich themselves at the expense of PNGeans.
In this case a foreign national who stated her job description as a fitness instructor, setup a start up company with just K5,000 and relying on NCD rate payers money (K140,000) which generously funded by the Governor of NCD was able to obtain its IPA certificate.
Yet our confused Minister of Commerce and Industry Wera Mori sees nothing wrong with this.
To avoid any confusion on the Minister's part, I wish make it very clear that he is clearly on the wrong side of this issue, a position I have no doubt that will cost his election in 2022.
Minister is the Member of Chuave Open of Simbu Province. He was elected in 2012 securing just 9,310 votes under Don Polye's THE Party.
He then later joined National Alliance Party in January 2015 before defecting to Peter O'Neill's PNC Party to re-contest 2017 elections. He was re-elected on 10,075 votes, an increase of just 795 votes from his 2012 election win.
While the Member of Sinasina-Yongomugal Open Kerenga Kua who abanded the O'Neill Government to contest 2017 elections as a member of Opposition was re-elected on 20,780 votes, almost doubling the wining margin of 10,862 in 2012 elections.
So it seems even with the financial might of PNC Mori just scrapped back in following 2017 elections.
While he now enjoys the comfort of a senior Ministry in O'Neill's Government it's my view it will be his last term unless he reconsiders his position on his this issue.
From now till 2022 elections, I will make it my business to ensure every village throughout the Minister's electorate including the Simbu province is fully informed on how a foreign fitness instructor became a millionaire at PNGeans rate payers expense to just organizie walks around Port Moresby. An activity 99% of every person from Simbu does every day without the benefit of being paid K250,000 a month.
Now I'm sure the Minister may dismiss my claim that he will not return in 2022, so to avoid any further confusion he may seek the advice of former Member of Madang who was absolutely destroyed in the last election, after I tripled the number of votes I secured in 2012 elections (7,000) to 21,000 in 2017.
The Minister can be assured unlike in the past his political opponents will have the support and strategic advice of the sitting Member of Madang Open. An important fact for him to consider is that I have already started mapping out his electorate in preparation for 2022 elections.
I returned to Port Moresby this morning after addressing an ethnic clash in Madang, restoring peace and essential services that were cut off following a week of social unrest. An issue triggered by a clash between local people of Madang and street sellers.
My trip back to the Nation's Capital is to deal with a number of unfinished business including filing formal complaint with both the Ombudsman Commission and National Fraud Anti corruption Directorate against National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop over his involvement in awarding K250,000 a month contract to a foreign fitness instructor.
So it was a surprise to sight an article published by the National today, entitled "MORI: YOGA FIRM HAS HELPED MANY."
It reported Minister of Commerce and Industry Wera Mori's claiming that the foreign company, Yu Yet PNG Ltd was duly-registered and met all statutory requirements to operate in the country.
Minister of Commerce and Industry was responding to my question put him in Parliament two weeks ago, raising the issue in relation to irregularities over the company's IPA certification.
The company's sole shareholder is Ms Fazilah Bazari, a Malaysian National of Indian decent who is accused of being involved with Governor Parkop.
The IPA records confirmed that she named the Governor as a referee in her CV and more disturbingly a copy of the company's bank statement revealed that it was being funded by the NCDC before it acquired it's IPA certificate.
For some reason the Minister ignored these facts and instead claimed “despite the negativity being portrayed by the public, we must look at the successes of Yu Yet PNG.”
“It has kept a lot of young people off the streets and giving hope to those who think that they have no future, especially our young people who have migrated into the city and have participated in this programme. We, as citizens of this country, are affected by lifestyle diseases and the programme addresses some of those issues pertaining to personal health and hygiene.”
“I want to make it clear: I’m not here in defence of Governor of National Capital District (Powes Parkop),” he said.
“I like to dismiss the claims that Yumi Yet was operating illegally.
“Yes, it is a foreign entity owned by one shareholder but it has been fully registered and it has met all requirements by IPA to operate.
“It has provided services to the city of Port Moresby and it will continue to do so.”
My Response:
I wish to make it very clear to the Minister of Commerce and Industry, either you're confused or a political puppet.
Before a foreign company is issued IPA certification, it is a requirement to demonstrate that it has sufficient funds (no less than K100,000) to set up operations in PNG, and not just a start up company set up by foreign nationals to enrich themselves at the expense of PNGeans.
In this case a foreign national who stated her job description as a fitness instructor, setup a start up company with just K5,000 and relying on NCD rate payers money (K140,000) which generously funded by the Governor of NCD was able to obtain its IPA certificate.
Yet our confused Minister of Commerce and Industry Wera Mori sees nothing wrong with this.
To avoid any confusion on the Minister's part, I wish make it very clear that he is clearly on the wrong side of this issue, a position I have no doubt that will cost his election in 2022.
Minister is the Member of Chuave Open of Simbu Province. He was elected in 2012 securing just 9,310 votes under Don Polye's THE Party.
He then later joined National Alliance Party in January 2015 before defecting to Peter O'Neill's PNC Party to re-contest 2017 elections. He was re-elected on 10,075 votes, an increase of just 795 votes from his 2012 election win.
While the Member of Sinasina-Yongomugal Open Kerenga Kua who abanded the O'Neill Government to contest 2017 elections as a member of Opposition was re-elected on 20,780 votes, almost doubling the wining margin of 10,862 in 2012 elections.
So it seems even with the financial might of PNC Mori just scrapped back in following 2017 elections.
While he now enjoys the comfort of a senior Ministry in O'Neill's Government it's my view it will be his last term unless he reconsiders his position on his this issue.
From now till 2022 elections, I will make it my business to ensure every village throughout the Minister's electorate including the Simbu province is fully informed on how a foreign fitness instructor became a millionaire at PNGeans rate payers expense to just organizie walks around Port Moresby. An activity 99% of every person from Simbu does every day without the benefit of being paid K250,000 a month.
Now I'm sure the Minister may dismiss my claim that he will not return in 2022, so to avoid any further confusion he may seek the advice of former Member of Madang who was absolutely destroyed in the last election, after I tripled the number of votes I secured in 2012 elections (7,000) to 21,000 in 2017.
The Minister can be assured unlike in the past his political opponents will have the support and strategic advice of the sitting Member of Madang Open. An important fact for him to consider is that I have already started mapping out his electorate in preparation for 2022 elections.