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urban myth? |
Is it a truism that Namah is 'Mr Fixit' whereas O'Neill is 'Mr I'll look into it'? No, it's an urban myth- Writes Susan Merrell
An idea has emerged in the PNG social media that Prime Minister Peter O'Neill is a man of empty words while the Opposition Leader, Belden Namah, is a man of action. These perceptions are incorrect, especially as they apply to politics.
A public relations machine, paid and unpaid, has been particularly active on behalf of the opposition leader pushing this idea in the social media pages. When something is repeated often enough the gullible tend to accept the veracity of the claim and thus an urban myth is born.
It's an interesting strategy, however, when using any form of media, the opposition leader needs to consider his image, not only amongst his diehard social media followers, who tend to be young, brash, impulsive and arrogant (and male), but also amongst those who would be his peers.
Namah's latest press release, published in the social media, had him "dump" founded. Oh dear!
Who authorized the release of that statement? It makes the opposition leader look illiterate and incapable - not a good image for an aspiring Prime Minister.
Surrounding yourself with a 'Barmy Army' may be comforting and self-validating but political reality will bite. So, in the words of Dr Phil, the celebrated American media psychologist: "How's it working for you so far," Mr Namah?
Let's see.
In Namah's latest media release, that left him so "dump founded" [sic] the allegations of corruption were countered by a reference to due process, duly followed.
Mr Tom Sirae, a lawyer who was once employed by the Law firm of Loani Henao, (Namah's erstwhile lawyer and a losing election candidate for the PNG Party in 2012), posted in social Media page 'Sharp Talk' thus:
Do not be decieved [sic] by politicians and beaurocrats [sic] who widely and publicly proclaim that they are anti-corrupt ... These days…dishonest pollies and beaurocrats [sic] and their cronies are able to steal millions from public funds and …cover up their tracks so that there is no paper trail. It will appear as though legal requirements and processes are complied with and on the face of it, there is nothing wrong. [My emphasis]
Sirae was himself involved with Namah's SABL at Bewani and was called by the Commission of Inquiry to give evidence into a company involved in the deal - of which he was an office bearer. Sirae claimed he was not, at the time of being called, even aware he was still an office bearer.
Sirae is writing with the benefit of experience.
Furthermore, his posting came out immediately after Namah's press statement. In my view, Mr Sirae could have been talking directly to it.
Truism? Namah is the 'alternative Prime Minister'.
Arrant nonsense! Only in a two-party parliament would this apply. In reality, Namah has only around 6 per cent of the parliament - other party leaders have more. Should there be a rift in government ranks, it is more likely that one of these would take the top job.
Namah is a man of action?
Urban myth. Consider the strident threats of a defamation suit against two newspapers: one in Samoa and the Sydney Morning Herald. Namah has scant hope of winning the cases if what's been written is true. Both newspapers have expressed confidence in their assertions of money laundering and lewd and unseemly behaviour (respectively).
I believe Mr Namah has not pursued either case. Just empty words not commensurate with the modus operandi of an action man: more like a tantrum.
As a political strategist, O'Neill has always had Namah's mettle, (though one would expect that the opposite would apply: that Namah, as the military man would excel in strategy. It goes some way to confirming that 'military intelligence' is the oxymoron some suggest it to be.)
O'Neill has quietly and methodically gone about securing tenure for himself, firstly by forging the necessary alliances and then by getting through the house the amendment delaying a 'vote of no confidence' for 30 months.
O'Neill understands strategic politics: swashbuckling, foot stamping and table thumping is not part of his repertoire. But one should not confuse this with lack of resolve. Indeed, O'Neill has recently 'walked the talk' and implemented defamation proceedings against Namah, just as he said he would.
O'Neill understands strategic politics: swashbuckling, foot stamping and table thumping is not part of his repertoire. But one should not confuse this with lack of resolve. Indeed, O'Neill has recently 'walked the talk' and implemented defamation proceedings against Namah, just as he said he would.
If Namah had an ounce of political nous he would have made his allegedly defamatory remarks under the umbrella of parliamentary privilege. I keep coming back to the question of from whom he's taking advice? It seems Namah has both his feet firmly in his sights.
As for the NPF saga, O'Neill knows he's in the clear.
This inquiry has had its recommendations taken care of judicially. The case against O'Neill was dropped through lack of evidence while others were tried and found not guilty. Unless more evidence comes to light, that's the end of that for O'Neill.
This inquiry has had its recommendations taken care of judicially. The case against O'Neill was dropped through lack of evidence while others were tried and found not guilty. Unless more evidence comes to light, that's the end of that for O'Neill.
Namah claimed to have new evidence - that was some months back. So where is it?
Politically, in PNG, to rule, one must be prepared to dance with the devil - many devils, especially ones who are the peoples' representatives - democratically (?) elected. Peter O'Neill is doing it, Namah was prepared to - he wasn't given the opportunity. In a land where money talks, Namah's peers rejected him and his dubious incentives. (Bribery is illegal and itself a corrupt practice.)
O'Neill is the quiet political achiever to Namah's screaming failure.
What does all this mean for the people of PNG?
It means that PNG has, as a Prime Minister, a political strategist par excellence - a man who understands how to attain and hold onto power legitimately. That he needs to be much more, is a given. But it's a start.
What does all this mean for the people of PNG?
It means that PNG has, as a Prime Minister, a political strategist par excellence - a man who understands how to attain and hold onto power legitimately. That he needs to be much more, is a given. But it's a start.
If you cannot attain and hold onto power you're just howling at the moon. Without power you're…well…you're Namah.