This information is shared by very senior officers from the DPLLGA and is Highly confidential.
Haoda Rogea HLLG President is a Political Rival of Mr. Ieviri Ova HSPA legal chairman.
Haoda Rogea is a relative of Nanai Puka Areni (NPA) the current Principal Legal Officer -PLO DPLGA.
Public service commission has terminated NPAs (director Legal DPLLGA) employment yet
acting secretary D.Guina is breaching all PSC directives & laws retaining her.
Nanai Puka Areni was locked up by CIDs on report & referral by Departmental Lawyers at Boroko Police station for stealing yet Secretary Dick "Condom" Guina Bailed her out & she is back at DPLGA providing
legal advice to remove Ieviri Ova the Legitimate chairman of HSPA
VAGI SARIMAN BOARD is the 3rd HSPA Board in 3 years driven by Haoda Rogea (HLLG)
President, through NPA his close relative. This is a constitutional Mockery.
The Minister is compromised by appointing Mr. Oli as his driver when his big brother is
appointed as the Haoda Rogea orchestrated HSPA CEO.
Mr. Oli the illegal Haoda Rogea appointed HSPA CEO was a proponent in the Failed Central
City Project and was involved in the Konebada PPA demise. K 43 million disappeared and
unaccounted for with Mr. Oli, Mr. Kila Ai & Co.
Minister Provincial Affairs Kevin Isifu has collected 80,000 kina from Moran SPA to endorse
Minister Isifu collected 10,000 kina from Angore SPA through Governor Philip Undialu to
endorse them also.
Minister Isifu received an IPhone for K5, 000.00 from Moran SPA which is given to Ms.
Mitichko a lawyer at DPLLGA. She is also Minister Isifu’s Niece her father is ambassador
Max Rai, ambassador to China.
Governor Undialu called ISIFU on the Phone and told him that he must sack Secretary
Guina and NPA (PLO. Minister Isifu’s remarks were “typical PNC meaning Prime Minister”.
Minister James Marape wrote a letter to Kevin Isifu in the 2nd week of Feb 2018 and told
him to stop meddling with his Southern Highlands Development Affairs & reinstate THE
SPA endorsed by Mr. Marape himself. The Letter is on record with Minister Kevin Isifu.
Minister Isifu cannot allow the legitimate Ieviri Ova Board established by former Deputy PM,
Sir Leo Dion, despite completing all constitutional compliance process to be Established
because to do that Ieviri Ova Has to bribe him. He is exposed to bribes therefore ministerial
impartiality is of no relevance. This is detrimental to ordinary PNG citizens as a country
These are the facts associated with the Minister Kevin Isifu, Secretary Dickson Guina, and Nanai
Puka Areni and now Ms. Mitichiko lawyers DPLLGA. Implementation agencies are failing the
National Government miserably.
The problem with Hiri SPA and other Special Purpose Authority is not the SPA themselves, not even the process, not the national government, not the people & Landowners & Provincial Governments.
It’s the department of provincial affairs secretary manipulating & abusing, compromising his authority for personal gains advocated by HLLG President Haoda
Rogea assisted by Nanai Puka Areni implicating the minister who has easily fallen into the trap of spiralling corruption. sabotaging the flow of important government services and decisions by corrupting the implementation process.