A warning to Peter O'Neill and Augustine Mano, your time is up, your dirty tricks to use Gobe PDL 3 and 4 monies belonging to the rightful landowners of Gobe, accumulating to over K100 Million over the past 20 years is now being exposed.
Your time to shine will come when the books are opened to find that Augustine Mano is not only benefitting but is also illegally financing the survival of this Government through dubious means.
The only petroleum project area that actually has cash money (supposedly) sitting in MRDC for Land Owners is Gobe project (PDL 3&4).
In the past 20 years all these sums of money were not paid to them for the various judicial process reasons, however, instead of keeping the money in trust for the Land Owners the Land Owners monies have slowly and systematically been stolen by this O'Neill government and also stolen by Augustine Mano personally.
1. O'Neill may have used a lot of the Gobe funds to deflect the previous vote of no confidence;
2. O'Neill may have used a lot of Gobe funds to form the current gov't in Alotau;
3. A few months ago when Hides LOs dug up the roads up there the O'Neill government stole K35 million from Gobe LOs (supposed to be held in trust by MRDC) and gave it to Hides LOs to quell the situation in Hides;
4. Augustine Mano has also personally stolen Gobe funds to make personal property investments in Fiji & PNG. A classic example is a three (3) or four (4) story office building constructed & operated right opposite O'Neill's Paddy's Bar at Boroko, by a company owned or controlled by Augustine Mano, and
5. Philip Kende, the ad hoc chairman of Petroleum Resources Gobe (PRG), subsidiary of MRDC, has also been busy looking after himself & his many wives, with the stolen landowner funds, for over two (2) decades, so he's been part of the individuals who have been stealing from Gobe LOs for over 20 years now.
Augustine Mano has made sure that Gobe LOs have been firmly shut out of MRDC. For reasons best known to himself, he makes sure that Gobe LOs must never access information about their unpaid entitlements which should have been accumulating for over 20 years. To date, the Gobe LOs have not yet received any of their entitlements yet. We are definitely sitting on another major time bomb.
We understand the requirement for hard evidence. That is the reason why Augustine Mano has firmly shut the doors on the actual/legitimate LOs known as WOLUTOU ILG.
Wolutou ILG has fought it's way through 1 Land Title Commision hearing process, 3 National Court hearings & 1 Supreme Court hearing and Wolutou ILG has won every step of those judicial processes. They will have another Angore on their hands if they find out that all their monies sitting in trust is gone.