Can relevant Authorities please investigate the Environment and Conservation Authority? It seems that individuals in this organization are now convinced they are above any laws of the land. So what is happening?
The Minister has now appointed his Own Political Campaigner, Mr Leo to a Consultant Position, giving advice to him on nothing. Mr Leo is consistently in the corridors of CEPA, asking for work that has been done by CEPA Officers, then commenting on it, and handing it in as his own – and getting paid between K50,000 to K100,000 + Per Month. His payments are facilitated by Ms Nancy Kavu – Revenue Manager. To date, He would have been paid over K1m already for not producing even one pieces of real work. The government is looking for money? Well CEPA is spending!
On the topic of the controversial Ms Nancy. She is the only government officer in the world that has Delloite on contract, to provide to her filing services. She has hidden their filing activities calling it Audit. To Date, Delloite has been preparing the Audit documents since 2016 for financial year 2015. That is preparation for 2.5 years now and being paid over K2mill already for Nil Production. Kavu has also been the subject of 2 investigations. 1 where she was allegedly held up at BSP bank however baystanders have said she just gave the money bag to the so called robbers. The second hold up was where they followed her staff to the carpark of new CEPA office and made away with monies belonging to CEPA. In all over K200,000 lost. She refuses to answer any questions by CEPA HR, refuses to file even a police report and above all, in both cases, refused to report the robberies to Police. What is even more frustrating is that CEPA Management is so incompetent they cannot suspend or sack her. The alternative for Kavu is Nihin Polomon. She manages government warrents. Nihin is a controversial character in CEPA. She has been overpaying and paying invoices multiple times for years, and again, the Managing Director Gunther Joku and Deputy Managing Director – Dilu Muguwa and senior management cannot do anything about it as they are scared of her, like they are of Ms Nancy. It is just outrageous how they are fighting over who holds the check book – like it is their birth right.
There is a total lack of leadership in CEPA at current. The Managing Director has been operating out of Stanley Hotel all of this year to afraid to sack any CEPA staff as they all have dirt on him, the Deputy Managing Director is absent from work for weeks on end and forever lobbying on the corridors of Wagani for The Managing Director’s position (as if he can even do the Managing Director’s Job – let alone being totally incompetent in doing his own). Directors from the EP Department are forever taking bribes (in total awareness to the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director) - which include 90% of officers in there, and trips offloading their officers who should actually go to do the work, Conservation directors are still traveling the world on fact finding missions – and consuming all monies intended for projects. They have been fact finding for 10 years now! The Kokoda project money is all consumed in CEPA through meetings at Dixie bungalows – John Pundari’s business. Ausaid should seriously investigate the ausaid appointed Kokoda manager in CEPA, he is seriously compromised.
This is also very alarming as both the Australian Government and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) know this is a conflict of interest but continue to openly and actively support investing in the ministers assets and growing his wealth. The Minister is also suppressing the appointment of CEPA board. A full board will take control of CEPA finances and the minister will loose his ability manipulate every aspect of CEPA expenditure to be directed to his own companies. To add salt, half of CEPA is now casual employees from Kopiam Ambum district. Is this the only district with qualified human resource?
This is just the tip of the problems. In articles following this, we will be outlining all the thieving and corruption that has occurred and is still occurring in CEPA. Subsequent article will outline all the power relationships in CEPA. Who is in bed with who making deals and ripping off the state, who has dirt on who making them untouchable in that organization, who is connecting with outside companies (especially hirecars) to defraud the state, etc. It will outline systemtically a list of corrupt practices starting from the Office of the Minister, Office of the Managing Director, Office of the Deputy Managing Director and then to each Department in CEPA. It will be comprehensive. All alegations will be against individual names. Let the calprits stand and answer for their thieving ways. This most important institution has been ripped off long enough with no regard for the wellbeing of this nation. Now its time all individuals concerned be put in the spot light and get hung out to dry!