Believe it or not we have a political mafia gang network operating in the country siphoning public funds. This political mafia gang operates out of the Department of Finance and Treasury and branches out to other key government departments and institutions throughout the country.
Though this claim remains challenge able and probably unjustifiable, the evidences of such cannot be denied nor taken for granted in a country rich with natural resources yet very poor. The weak performance of many key indicators indicates that the facilitators of corruption continue to assist political elites to launder, store and otherwise profit from unjustly acquired wealth, which often includes public funds.
For illustration purposes lets take a look at what happens when public funds are released into the hands of the politicians to carry out projects. When government funds (millions of Kina) are released for projects, politicians often pretend to open trust accounts to be managed by government department secretaries. While the money is in the trust accounts, a network of signatories to the money is established to draw out the money. When this is done and in order, third parties are consulted and asked to submit project proposals or register ghost companies with bogus claims so that payments can be made to them. Eventually the money is transferred and shared between the key players.
The key players of this political mafia gang type network include some of our politicians; government CEOs, secretaries, directors; and their financial controllers. They establish networks with bankers, accountants, lawyers or other specialists to help them generate, move or store their illicit income. The transaction is often enabled by professionals from many fields. With the network strongly established, creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and reciprocity; they attempt to provide a legal appearance to corrupt transactions, producing legally enforceable signatories; and they help to ensure that no one is blamed in case of detection.
The network is not that strong as you may think it is. It can be destroyed with those involved brought to justice if we can have a strong radical leadership. We are not able to do so because all the current MPs whether in opposition, backbencher or in government, they all in one way or the other are part and parcel of this network.
The good news is this network will one day be destroyed and all those responsible will be punished and all their looted wealth wherever they are will be transferred back to the people of Papua New Guinea. In history no government has ruled forever at the expenses of the suffering of the voiceless. Dictators have been toppled and justice has been restored. The Arab Spring has brought into light the future ahead if we continue to travel down the same path. Or the extreme case of some African states (such as Somalia, Mali, Rwanda, Sudan, Nigeria, etc.) where extremist and war lords rules. We also know from history that Suharto of Indonesia, the Macros of Philippines, Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, they all never lived to enjoy their looted wealth. At the end justice was waiting and finally caught up with them when they least expected it. Some flee and live in exile, some imprisoned and some killed. Even the worst evil in the history of mankind never lasted. Adolf Hitler regarded as the incarnation of absolute evil perished with all his deeds.
In the face of tyranny, rises the savior of mankind. Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Martin Luther King Jr. in US, and Karamchand Gandhi of India are the beacon of the human rights and freedom of the voiceless, oppressed and deprived. They lived their lives no one else lived. They saw things no one else seen. They believed in things on else believed. They become the legends. Their legacy lived on.
To conclude, which way do we go from here my dear Papua New Guineans? Do we wait for a savior to save this country or are we on the right track with our current leaders (MPs) or we save our beloved country ourselves?