As a graduate Security Analyst I can forecast and make a critical analysis of where PNG is heading to under the current status quo .
By default , association and by choice this government and previous governments have developed two sets of economy.
One that with foreign investment and investors and the other with its own people.
The foreign investment seems to grow rapidly and the local businesses seems to be shrinking.
The other issue is of leadership and accountability. When matters of economic management seems to fail those in power will attempt to resurrect the economy but in haste.
In which case the nation fails thus becoming a FAILED STATE because most if not all arms of government will be denied the resources and budgetary support to enforce government control . Simply there will be no longer any control.
Law and Order and the Justice system will be unable to sustain its constitutional functions .
Case in point North Korea, Uganda, Zimbabwe Mexico and many Latin American countries.
Nations in history fail because there is a distinct disconnect between engaging the population in economic activities and corrupt and self serving politicans who associate with foreign investors continue to reap of the nation's wealth and invest overseas at the expense of its own ingenious people.
Such are the downside of the system of government left to us by our former colonizers.
Democracy abused by very few and without public voice and debate is very dangerous when a nation is gaged and suppressed.
Our current impediment faced by leadership and economic woes reminds me of a compulsory reading at Sogeri many years ago titled; ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell 1945 described the Farm being managed by the pigs but it was a qualified privilege where;
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others"
As a graduate Security Analyst I can forecast and make a critical analysis of where PNG is heading to under the current status quo .
By default , association and by choice this government and previous governments have developed two sets of economy.
One that with foreign investment and investors and the other with its own people.
The foreign investment seems to grow rapidly and the local businesses seems to be shrinking.
The other issue is of leadership and accountability. When matters of economic management seems to fail those in power will attempt to resurrect the economy but in haste.
In which case the nation fails thus becoming a FAILED STATE because most if not all arms of government will be denied the resources and budgetary support to enforce government control . Simply there will be no longer any control.
Law and Order and the Justice system will be unable to sustain its constitutional functions .
Case in point North Korea, Uganda, Zimbabwe Mexico and many Latin American countries.
Nations in history fail because there is a distinct disconnect between engaging the population in economic activities and corrupt and self serving politicans who associate with foreign investors continue to reap of the nation's wealth and invest overseas at the expense of its own ingenious people.
Such are the downside of the system of government left to us by our former colonizers.
Democracy abused by very few and without public voice and debate is very dangerous when a nation is gaged and suppressed.
Our current impediment faced by leadership and economic woes reminds me of a compulsory reading at Sogeri many years ago titled; ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell 1945 described the Farm being managed by the pigs but it was a qualified privilege where;
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others"