That strategy is very risky and it only gives one chance to get things right More likely to succeed is a slow step by step process on multiple fronts that slowly closes off normal democratic checks and balances. Thats the whole framework of what makes a democracy work - the legal mechanisms that keep a leader from grabbing too much power while promoting the spread of power across different sections of government and across many individuals.
Peter O'Neill is a brilliant tactician who has virtually completed pulling the wool over the eyes of most people of PNG. The only challenge remaining is to secure the 2017 election in PNC's overwhelming favour, whether honestly or dishonestly, so that he can proclaim that he has a mandate from the people to rule with absolute power. Following that, he can declare a state of emergency or simply rule like Robert Mugabe has done for more than 30 years in Zimbabwe. That is, keep the check and balance framwork of a democracy intact so that he can continue to proclaim that PNG is a vibrant democracy, while keeping the mechanisms within that framework paralysed and thus imposing no threat on the Prime Minister's absolute power.
The accompanying poster covers the variety of different areas in which our Prime Minister and his cronies have slowly dismantled the PNG democracy, step by step. It is impossible to call anyplace a "vibrant democracy" where people are afraid to post cut-throating commentary against the government on the social media, as you'll find in all the industrialised democracies of the world. You can't call it a "vibrant democracy" when the government will not issue a single permit to allow a nonviolent march against the government to take place. The great democracies in the world allow those kinds of marches, sometimes even without a permit, and use police presence not to stop the marchers but to prevent opportunists from turning the protest into a violent one. Sometimes the police succeed, sometimes they don't, but certainly they don't use "it might get violent" as an excuse to prevent marches against the government.
Peter O'Neill cannot call PNG a "vibrant democracy" when our judicial and investigative parts of government show themselves starved of money to investigate, hopelessly paralysed by lack of judges, overwhelming court case lines, and other obstructions of investigating alleged crimes and prosecuting them to completion within a reasonable amount of time. Judicial paralysis does not a democracy make, and our Prime Minister has shown briliance throughout his professional years in tying up multiple cases against him in court to the point they nearly die of asphyxiation.
It is impossible to have a "vibrant democracy" where not only the people, but also the media are so quiet and so ineffective in organising and effectively pressuring for change in government policy. Our PNG newspapers are identical to what you would see in a dictatorship today. Any criticism they give of the government is designed to stay away from pointing fingers at the top. The criticism is mild and not at all threatening to the power of the government.
Dictatorships, not democracies, are characterised by a legislative branch that is so totally controlled by the government in power that there is no meaningful debate over legislation introduced for passage, and in a parliamentary system, no threat at all that a Vote of No Confidence would succeed. Only people who have never lived in a democracy could look at the way PNG's parliament functions under Peter O'Neill and think it is symbolic of a working democracy. PNG's Parliament is moving towards a 1 party system where any remaining opposition is too small to mount and effective voice of opposition. The successful attempts at parliamentary maneuvering that occurred in 2015 and 2016 to stop a Vote of No Confidence from being even entertained for voting would never be attempted in a "vibrant democracy".
For a government to lay out a plan in 2013 of about 10 areas of focus for government action and not include fighting corruption as one of those priorities is extraordinary in a country that is now know for more than a decade as being one of the most corrupt nations in the world. It indicates a purposeful attempt of the government to close it's eyes to corruption. How a nation that ranks in the top 15% of the most corrupt countries of the world could possibly get through nearly 5 years without prosecuting or convicting a single high level member in government is ample indication that something is not right.
Finally, vibrant democracies are characterised by openness and transparency. Peter O'Neill's government became the first PNG government ever to suppress the contents of the most recent annual International Monetary Fund assessment of the PNG economy. That adds to the mountain of secrets that this government has created, all caused by a system where there are no true press conferences, where interviewers of the PM such as John Eggins and Scott Waide dare not ask sensitive questions of the Prime Minister, where government departments either don't have paid up on-line web sites full of information or the web sites contain very little in terms of their documentation. It is close to impossible to find out information on just about anything within government and these days, what should be free information has a bribery demand attached by whoever within a government department holds the information.
PNG is no longer a functioning democracy. The Prime Minister's robotic labeling of our country as a "very vibrant democracy" is ludicrous and laughable. It shows that even though he is a world traveler, he's not a very observant one. If PNG were actually a very vibrant democracy, he would long ago have been swept from power.
[Niugini Outlook on Facebook is for anyone who loves Papua New Guinea. Our site contains news and views on various hot topics affecting PNG today. We purposely offer some of the sharpest talk on the social media, because sharp talk motivates people and motivation is essential to learning, remembering, and developing into active participating citizens. On Niugini Outlook, you can find unusual and varied viewpoints aimed at stretching your mind to become more questioning and skeptical at what is happening today in PNG. Always be a skeptic and accept everything you read on this site as an allegation. We do the best we can to double check for factual accuracy but always assume that we are getting out a story in its initial stages hoping that readers in the know can provide further details that can bring us all closer to the truth.
Anyone who is the topic of article or comment are strongly urged to set the record straight with your perspective and comment directly underneath whatever article you feel is inaccurate. Note that the content of our postings are completely legal under the enlightened, advanced defamation law as implemented by developed countries throughout the world. Only in banana republics like Papua New Guinea would there be any challenges that any of what we post could possibly be defamatory. In enlightened societies with low corruption, public officials enjoy very little protection uner defamation law because they essentially choose a life of being under close public scrutiny and are expected to deal with it in ways other than litigation, mostly by making public comment and rebuttal.
Niugini Outlook in general tries to highlight the accelerating injustice, corruption and inequality that threatens to destroy PNG and its healthy development. We try to counterbalance the existing heavy bias in the print media, especially their repetition of government propaganda without questioning. Over time you'll find that we don't have any favourites with public officials. If they misbehave, we call them out and strongly, whoever they are and no matter how beloved they might be.
We attempt to achieve our education mission by making available nearly 2,000 colourful posters and associated commentary as well sharing links from other countries on issues relevant to PNG. You can access all of it from our main web page niuginioutlook Feel free to browse through our site's content and use the search feature to find information on particular public officials and issues. When you see information you especially like, consider becoming a patriot to promote PNG education. Fighting ignorance effectively requires Facebook sharing, emailing, photocopying and distributing educational content about PNG issues to your friends, relatives and colleagues and posting in public places.
If you think we're performing a useful service on the PNG social media, please give our page a like, spread the word to your friends of our existence and accept our thanks!]
Peter O'Neill is a brilliant tactician who has virtually completed pulling the wool over the eyes of most people of PNG. The only challenge remaining is to secure the 2017 election in PNC's overwhelming favour, whether honestly or dishonestly, so that he can proclaim that he has a mandate from the people to rule with absolute power. Following that, he can declare a state of emergency or simply rule like Robert Mugabe has done for more than 30 years in Zimbabwe. That is, keep the check and balance framwork of a democracy intact so that he can continue to proclaim that PNG is a vibrant democracy, while keeping the mechanisms within that framework paralysed and thus imposing no threat on the Prime Minister's absolute power.
The accompanying poster covers the variety of different areas in which our Prime Minister and his cronies have slowly dismantled the PNG democracy, step by step. It is impossible to call anyplace a "vibrant democracy" where people are afraid to post cut-throating commentary against the government on the social media, as you'll find in all the industrialised democracies of the world. You can't call it a "vibrant democracy" when the government will not issue a single permit to allow a nonviolent march against the government to take place. The great democracies in the world allow those kinds of marches, sometimes even without a permit, and use police presence not to stop the marchers but to prevent opportunists from turning the protest into a violent one. Sometimes the police succeed, sometimes they don't, but certainly they don't use "it might get violent" as an excuse to prevent marches against the government.
Peter O'Neill cannot call PNG a "vibrant democracy" when our judicial and investigative parts of government show themselves starved of money to investigate, hopelessly paralysed by lack of judges, overwhelming court case lines, and other obstructions of investigating alleged crimes and prosecuting them to completion within a reasonable amount of time. Judicial paralysis does not a democracy make, and our Prime Minister has shown briliance throughout his professional years in tying up multiple cases against him in court to the point they nearly die of asphyxiation.
It is impossible to have a "vibrant democracy" where not only the people, but also the media are so quiet and so ineffective in organising and effectively pressuring for change in government policy. Our PNG newspapers are identical to what you would see in a dictatorship today. Any criticism they give of the government is designed to stay away from pointing fingers at the top. The criticism is mild and not at all threatening to the power of the government.
Dictatorships, not democracies, are characterised by a legislative branch that is so totally controlled by the government in power that there is no meaningful debate over legislation introduced for passage, and in a parliamentary system, no threat at all that a Vote of No Confidence would succeed. Only people who have never lived in a democracy could look at the way PNG's parliament functions under Peter O'Neill and think it is symbolic of a working democracy. PNG's Parliament is moving towards a 1 party system where any remaining opposition is too small to mount and effective voice of opposition. The successful attempts at parliamentary maneuvering that occurred in 2015 and 2016 to stop a Vote of No Confidence from being even entertained for voting would never be attempted in a "vibrant democracy".
For a government to lay out a plan in 2013 of about 10 areas of focus for government action and not include fighting corruption as one of those priorities is extraordinary in a country that is now know for more than a decade as being one of the most corrupt nations in the world. It indicates a purposeful attempt of the government to close it's eyes to corruption. How a nation that ranks in the top 15% of the most corrupt countries of the world could possibly get through nearly 5 years without prosecuting or convicting a single high level member in government is ample indication that something is not right.
Finally, vibrant democracies are characterised by openness and transparency. Peter O'Neill's government became the first PNG government ever to suppress the contents of the most recent annual International Monetary Fund assessment of the PNG economy. That adds to the mountain of secrets that this government has created, all caused by a system where there are no true press conferences, where interviewers of the PM such as John Eggins and Scott Waide dare not ask sensitive questions of the Prime Minister, where government departments either don't have paid up on-line web sites full of information or the web sites contain very little in terms of their documentation. It is close to impossible to find out information on just about anything within government and these days, what should be free information has a bribery demand attached by whoever within a government department holds the information.
PNG is no longer a functioning democracy. The Prime Minister's robotic labeling of our country as a "very vibrant democracy" is ludicrous and laughable. It shows that even though he is a world traveler, he's not a very observant one. If PNG were actually a very vibrant democracy, he would long ago have been swept from power.
[Niugini Outlook on Facebook is for anyone who loves Papua New Guinea. Our site contains news and views on various hot topics affecting PNG today. We purposely offer some of the sharpest talk on the social media, because sharp talk motivates people and motivation is essential to learning, remembering, and developing into active participating citizens. On Niugini Outlook, you can find unusual and varied viewpoints aimed at stretching your mind to become more questioning and skeptical at what is happening today in PNG. Always be a skeptic and accept everything you read on this site as an allegation. We do the best we can to double check for factual accuracy but always assume that we are getting out a story in its initial stages hoping that readers in the know can provide further details that can bring us all closer to the truth.
Anyone who is the topic of article or comment are strongly urged to set the record straight with your perspective and comment directly underneath whatever article you feel is inaccurate. Note that the content of our postings are completely legal under the enlightened, advanced defamation law as implemented by developed countries throughout the world. Only in banana republics like Papua New Guinea would there be any challenges that any of what we post could possibly be defamatory. In enlightened societies with low corruption, public officials enjoy very little protection uner defamation law because they essentially choose a life of being under close public scrutiny and are expected to deal with it in ways other than litigation, mostly by making public comment and rebuttal.
Niugini Outlook in general tries to highlight the accelerating injustice, corruption and inequality that threatens to destroy PNG and its healthy development. We try to counterbalance the existing heavy bias in the print media, especially their repetition of government propaganda without questioning. Over time you'll find that we don't have any favourites with public officials. If they misbehave, we call them out and strongly, whoever they are and no matter how beloved they might be.
We attempt to achieve our education mission by making available nearly 2,000 colourful posters and associated commentary as well sharing links from other countries on issues relevant to PNG. You can access all of it from our main web page
If you think we're performing a useful service on the PNG social media, please give our page a like, spread the word to your friends of our existence and accept our thanks!]