Soldiers attack UPNG students
A dental student has been seriously injured when a group of more than 30 soldiers armed with bush knives, iron bars and firearms attacked students at the Port Morseby General Hospital.Papua New Guinea...
View ArticleFighting corruption in Papua New Guinea
By GRANT WALTONFor those on the front line, fighting corruption in Papua New Guinea can be a dangerous occupation. It wasn’t that long ago that a former Ombudsman Commissioner was shot. Sam Koim,...
View ArticleBreak down in the security forces is a cause for concern.
By: Tobias Kulung MPThe politicising and neglect by successive government has cause towards the disciplinary forces has completely eroded the command and control structure of these forces and has...
View ArticleNumbers don't lie: PNG solution flawed
By the numbers, shifting the asylum seeker problem to Papua New Guinea simply fails to add up.The nation already has a substantial headache with refugees – about 9000 people have fled across the border...
View ArticlePNG faces breaking point
Detention facilities in Papua New Guinea will be swamped within days if the Rudd government's new hardline asylum-seeker policy fails to stem the arrival of 3000 people to Australia by boat each...
View ArticleAsylum seekers to receive hostile reception in PNG: local governor
Papua New Guineans are warning the Federal Government that its new asylum seeker plan will create hostility and add to problems in the developing country.Local politicians have questioned how the plan...
View ArticleKapris is Dead but His Legacy Lives on
By LUCAS KIAPIt is very sad and emotional for me when people celebrate over a dead man, whom has families and relatives, and they will definitely be wept and cried over his dead body no matter what...
View ArticleWhat price national pride? The PNG solution
By DR SUSAN MERRELL And he sold our reputation,On the proceeds he will dine,In a land of golden plenty…Where just the dregs are mine. (With apologies to) Idris DaviesThe...
View ArticlePNG PM Peter O'Neill attacks Tony Abbott over 'untrue' aid claims
PNG prime minister Peter O'Neill has launched a scathing attack on Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, accusing him of spreading ''nonsense'' and ''completely untrue'' claims over foreign aid linked to the...
By JOE BEIGI have been following the asylum seekers’ processing plan since Somare government rushed the establishment of the center at Lombrum Maritime Base in Manus Province during the last...
View ArticleUnease in landowners’ paradise
Now that the country has simmered down from its initial shock over the refugee resettlement deal, it’s time for the people to face the harsh reality of this controversial arrangement concocted by Prime...
By STEVEN ANDREDear Chief Secretary,The recent announcements by the Prime Minister and yourself to set up an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is an important initiative as the level of...
View ArticleMillion Kina abuse of Defence Fund by PNG Defence Minister Pok and Secretary...
By JOE BEIGThe Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) has for the first time since 1975 enjoys myriad of tangible options to obtain needed financial and material support from Government of Papua New...
View ArticleA ‘Dog Pound’ for a third world country
By JASON GIMA WURIAfter the signing of the refugee resettlement deal between Australia and Papua New Guinea last week Friday, it seems highly likely that Australia has finally succeeded in sending its...
View ArticleVote for right Leaders who will Bring Services?
By LUCAS KIAPThe perception of most people in Papua New Guinea is that to see development, everyone should vote for right leaders who will then bring them the badly needed services. People will always...
View ArticleThe People of PNG must Rise up to face the Evil of Corruption
By LUCAS KIAPWake up Papua New Guineans; we are not living in an imagination paradise world any more. Corruption in this country is real, is serious and is eating deeply into development funds meant...
View ArticleThe Education Reform System in Papua New Guinea: Is It a Conspiracy Theory or...
By LUCAS KIAPIs there any clause in the Vision 2050 providing that in fifty (50) years from now PNG shall design, engineer, manufacture and launch its first rocket into the space – the birth of PNG’s...
View ArticleRudd-O’Neill Deal’s Principle Questionable.
By RENATA LAVEILAmid numerous opinions and criticism on the seemingly ad hoc Rudd-O’Neill Regional Resettlement deal, Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill put out a statement saying “the deal is not set in...
THE National Court yesterday refused attempts by Paul Paraka Lawyers to stop Task Force Sweep from executing a search warrant to look at the law firm’s bank accounts.Principal of the law firm, Paul...
View ArticleLess Planning More Action
Papua New Guinea anticipates exponential growth in the next few years as many resource projects come into production.Where does it anticipate spending the bulk of that new found wealth?Government has...
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