Rebuttal to Susan Merrell’s COMMENTARY- “Political reality: of Truisms and...
By Renata LaveilPapua New Guineans will be the judge in their respective electorates of their own leaders. The hackneyed referral to the Papua New Guinea Opposition Leader, Hon. Belden Namah in the...
View ArticlePNG Prime Minister’s Indonesia visit raises questions over West Papua stance
By DANIEL DRAGESETPrime Minister of Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neill will travel to Jakarta this weekend for discussions with the Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.O’Neill will discuss trade,...
By Graham Tenaen RobinsonThe 105 MPs gave O’Neill the benefit of the doubt in having dominion over the seat of the Prime Minister, however most importantly are the 7.5 million citizens in this country...
View ArticlePNG 'dirty money' trail leads to Australia
Millions of dollars allegedly corruptly obtained from the PNG government have been siphoned to Australian banks, confidential banking documents reveal.Fairfax Media has also confirmed that Australian...
View ArticleHousing prices to be regulated
PAPUA New Guinea's treasury department is considering a recommendation to regulate house prices in the country.Treasurer Don Polye says he has asked his department to examine a recommendation by PNG's...
View ArticleDSIP Support Grant belongs to the people, not only the opposition MPs
By BELDEN NAMAH, MPLeader of OppositionMinister for Finance Hon. James Marape stated in a letter to the Opposition Leader regarding the delay in payment of DSIP funds, stating that the delay in the...
View ArticleA double life by Papua New Guinean lawmakers
By LUCAS KIAPMay be all of you are aware that when we voted MPs into the parliament they disappear for the five years and only appear when and during the elections. I am not sure how many of you have...
View ArticleUps and downs in Papua New Guinea real estate
By OXFORD BUSINESSAfter several years of rapid growth in Port Moresby’s residential real estate sector, the market is in consolidation mode. In response, investors are eyeing commercial and retail...
View ArticleBrain Drain: PNG continues to lose its best and brightest
By HILDA WAYNEPAPUA New Guinea’s best and brightest elites are decamping to Australia and around the world, taking with them ready-made skills and talents and as it seems they have the best...
View Article"We must protect our own" - Namah
By BELDEN NAMAH, MPIn the light of the Extradition Treaty signed between the Government of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, there has never been on record any citizen of this country living in Indonesia...
View ArticleAustralian unions’ ‘xenophobic’ campaign against foreign workers
Anthony MambuBy HILDA WAYNE in Perth, Western AustraliaAustralian union’s fight for ‘Aussie jobs’ and campaign against skilled migration and overseas 457 workers has created what has been termed as...
View ArticleAids contained in Papua New Guinea
Melbourne AgeHere is a good news story from Papua New Guinea: Australia's nearest neighbour has dodged the bullet of what the World Health Organisation feared could become an AIDS pandemic as deadly as...
View ArticlePro-mine Bougainville leader paid by foreign lobbyists
By PNG-EXPOSEDThe ‘new’ Panguna Landowners Association, led by its Chairman, Lawrence Daveona – a Port Moresby based businessman and civil servant – is holding itself out as the true representative...
View ArticleAdventures in futility: an open letter to the Acting Minister for Education
By J L BRAUNAttention: Hon James Marape, Parliament HausOn a personal note, I trust you’re sitting down, sir.We near the first anniversary of my initial expression of interest via email to FinCorp...
View ArticleGreedy MPs with too much money
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has said more than once that the country has nothing to show for all the money that has flowed into this country’s coffers in the past few years.Much, much more is about to...
View ArticleA Win For West Papua In Melanesia
Jason MacLeodWest Papua has just won an extraordinary victory at the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) meeting in Noumea.When the heads of government and distinguished persons from Melanesian nations...
View ArticleProposed amendments will make executive branch unaccountable
By TOBIAS KULUNG MPWe the Opposition, call on all fellow parliamentarians, to stand up and defend the National Constitution from being manipulated and flogged for short term political gains of the...
View ArticleTackling the curse of hate
As Papua New Guinea threatens to again impose the death penalty, Mark Baker investigates the nation's fightback against crimeBrian Leahy's father was one of the first white men to set foot in the New...
View Article"We are not misfits and psychopaths" Namah
By BELDEN NAMAH, MPThe Prime Minister and those surrounding him need to mature and appreciate the importance of public debate and criticism of government decisions and performance to ensure democracy...
View ArticleControl middle and backbenchers for political “stability” in PNG Parliament
By ANDREW ANTON MAKOPNG politics was labeled unstable for many years, for some it’s analogous to the well-known political impasse in 2011.Today we’re still experiencing these problems.The notion of...
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